Highest Sageness -35

a r y a n    i n v a s i o n    t h e o r y

"In the days when historian supposed that history had begun with Greece, Europe gladly believed that India has been a hotbed of barbarism. In 1924 the world of scholarship was again roused by news from India. Sir John Marshall announced that he had discovered at Mohenjo-daro, on the western bank of the lower Indus, remains of what seemed to be an older civilization than any yet know to historians. The indications are that Mohenjo-daro was at its height when Cheops built the first great pyramid; that it had commercial, religious, and artistic connections with Sumeria, and Babylonia. It survived over 3000 years, until the third century before Christ." (source: "The Story of Civilization: Our Oriental Heritage - By Will Durant ISBN 1567310125 p 394-396).
Since the nineteenth century, India's ancient history from Vedic times and the true content of the Veda have both been distorted by a blinkered and unsympathetic scholarship. British rulers, European scholars and missionaries combined in a campaign to disparage the roots of Indian civilization, and used the wholly groundless Aryan Invasion theory to sow seeds of division in the Indian society - "divide and rule," but also "divide and convert." The same fallacies continue to be promoted today. Unfortunately, many of the wounds the Aryan invasion theory inflicted on Indian society are still painfully open today, nurtured as they have been by missionaries, Marxist historians and politicians, who together have made sure that divisions between castes have been sharpening rather than subsiding - for the simple reason that without such divisions they would all be out of business. Today, it is necessary to examines the birth of the Aryan myth, and the misuses it has bred; it then gives a fresh look at the invasion theory in the light of recent scientific evidence, and shows how it now stands overwhelmingly disproved. (source: The Invasion That Never Was - By Michel Danino and Sujata Nahar p. 26). 
Sardar Kavalam Madhava Panikkar (1896-1963) Indian scholar, journalist, historian from Kerala, administrator, diplomat, Minister in Patiala Bikaner and Ambassador to China, Egypt and France. He was the author of Asia and Western Dominance and has written in his book, 'A Survey of Indian History’ (1954):

‘One thing, however, is certain and can no longer be contested—civilization did not come to India with the Aryans. This doctrine of the Aryan origin of Indian civilization which finds no support in Indian Literature which does not consider the Dasyus (Dravidians) as uncivilized, is the result of the theories of Indo-Germanic scholars who held that everything valuable in the world originated from the Aryans. Not only is Indian civilization pre-Vedic, but the essential features of Hindu religion as we know it today were perhaps present in Mohenjo-Daro."
It is gratifying to note that people like Swami Vivekananda, Aurobindo Ghosh and Dadabhai Naoroji did not have appetite for racial theories, because, as Naoroji put it, they were unrealistic and often used to prove the inferiority of Asians. Only one among our great political leaders saw through the hollowness of the Aryan theory. B R Ambedkar who observed: “That the theory of the Aryan race set up by Western writers fails to the ground at every point goes without saying….Anyone who comes to scrutinize the theory will find that it suffers from a ‘double infection.’ He could clearly see the implications of such ill-founded hypotheses which colonial Indology imposed on India and which Indian scholars went on repeating ad nauseam.
"History is the propaganda of the victors"Ernest Toller (1893 - 1937) playwright.
"Archaeology has been used as a tool for intellectually dominating the subjugated nations and minorities. During the colonial period the history of the colonized nations was perceived in such a way as to relegate them in various ways to the static backwaters of human development. In this sense the interpretation of the archaeological data from these nations or colonized areas was the direct handmaiden of the political reality of the period. This plank was laid down at the height of Western political hegemony over India, and the fact that this still has been left in its place speaks a volume for the post-1947 pattern of the retention of Western dominance in various forms."
         -  Dilip K Chakrabarti - archaeologist, historian and author of Colonial Indology: Sociopolitics of the Ancient Indian Past
"As Eurocentrism is becoming identified with ignorance and oppression, Asia ’s emergence as the true center of culture and civilization seems inevitable." 
                                                  - Thomas Beaudry in the book, Kumbha Mela
Oswald Arnold Gottfried Spengler (1880 – 1936) was a German historian and philosopher whose interests also included mathematics, science, and art. He is best known for his book The Decline of the West on p. 13 in which he puts forth a cyclical theory of the rise and decline of civilizations.

Spengler observed this about Eurocentrism:
“The Western European area is regarded as a fixed pole, a unique patch chosen on the surface of the sphere for no better reason, it seems, than because we live on it – and great histories of millennial duration and mighty faraway Cultures are made to revolve around this pole in all modesty. It is a quaintly conceived system of sun and planets. We select a single bit of ground as the natural center of the historical system, and make it the central sun. From it all the events of history receive their real light; from it their importance is judged in perspective.”
Sir (Dr) Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan (1888-1975) was one of the most profound philosophers of this century, author and educationalist. In 1926, he was deputed by Calcutta University as the university delegate to the Congress of the Universities of the British Empire. He was elected Fellow of the British Academy in 1940, first Indian to be thus honored. He succinctly said: 

“The West tried its best to persuade India that its philosophy is absurd, its art puerile, its poetry uninspired, its religion grotesque and its ethics barbarous”.

(source: The Decline of the West - By Oswald Spengler  p. 13 and Contending paradigms of Indian history: Did India lack historical agency? - By Shivaji Singh). 

Refer to  The Myth of Saint Thomas and the Mylapore Shiva Temple - By Ishwar Sharan and  Invading the Sacred: An Analysis of Hinduism Studies in America - By Krishnan Ramaswamy, Antonio de Nicolas and Aditi Banerjee
The colonial era of Indian history was an era of historical myth-making. Innumerable myths were created and propagated to falsify history with a view to change Indian psyche and denationalize Indian identity
"In the days when historian supposed that history had begun with Greece, Europe gladly believed that India has been a hotbed of barbarism. 
In 1924 the world of scholarship was again roused by news from India. Sir John Marshall announced that he had discovered at Mohenjo-daro, on the western bank of the lower Indus, remains of what seemed to be an older civilization than any yet know to historians. The indications are that Mohenjo-daro was at its height when Cheops built the first great pyramid; that it had commercial, religious, and artistic connections with Sumeria, and Babylonia. It survived over 3000 years, until the third century before Christ." 
(source: "The Story of Civilization: Our Oriental Heritage - By Will Durant ISBN 1567310125 p 394-396).
The first point to note is that the idea of the Aryans as foreigners who invaded India and destroyed the existing Harappan Civilization is a modern European invention; it receives no support whatsoever from Indian records - literary or archaeological. 
The same is true of the notion of the Aryans as a race; it finds no support in Indian literature or tradition. (And genetics demolishes it.) The word 'Arya' in Sanskrit means noble and never a race. In fact, the authoritative Sanskrit lexicon (c. 450 AD), the famous Amarakosha gives the following definition:     

mahakula kulinarya sabhya sajjana sadhavah .

An Arya is one who hails from a noble family, of gentle behavior and demeanor, good-natured and of righteous conduct. And the great epic Ramayana has a singularly eloquent expression describing Rama as:     

arya sarva samascaiva sadaiva priyadarsanah  - Arya, who worked for the equality of all and was dear to everyone. The Rig Veda also uses the word Arya something like thirty six times, but never to mean a race. The nearest to a definition that one can find in the Rigveda is probably:  

praja arya jyotiragrah ... 

Children of Arya are led by light  - Rig Veda VII. 33.7.
“Krunvanto Vishwam Aryam” - Rig Veda IX.63.5
“Anaryajushtam aswargyam akeertikaram arjuna - Lord Krishna in Shrimad Bhagavad Gita -II.2.

Thus, the modern notion of an Aryan-Dravidian racial divide is contradicted by ancient records. We have it on the authority of Manu that the Dravidians were also part of the Aryan fold. Interestingly, so were the Chinese. Race never had anything to do with it until the Europeans adopted the ancient word to give expression to their nationalistic and other aspirations.

Please refer to Naimisha Journal for interesting articles on Aryan Invasion Theory).
Sir Aurobindo (1872-1950) most original philosopher of modern India. He has said: "It distresses us to see Indian inquirers with their great opportunities simply following in the path of certain European scholars, accepting and adding to their unstable fantasies, their huge superstructures founded on weak and scattered evidence and their imaginative "history of our prehistoric ages." 
(source: India's Rebirth - Sri Aurobindo  p. 110-111). 
The term 'aryan' has never been used in a racial sense anywhere in the vast compendium of Hindu literature. In the whole of the Rig Veda the word arya occurs no more than four times. It stands for whatever is regarded as eminent and ennobling. The term was used in a racial sense for the first time by Western historians who cooked up the theory of an Aryan invasion of India around 1500 B.C. They also popularized in a racial sense, the term Dravidian which had earlier had only a linguistic connotation.
(source: Story of Islamic Imperialism in India - By Sita Ram Goel Voice of India ISBN : 81-85990-23-9  p. 8).
It is not a wise or correct view that the Hindus had no historical sense. When they excelled in many difficult sciences and arts, it cannot be that they were deficient in the comparatively crude and primitive art of keeping chronicles, in which much lesser peoples have excelled. 
Colonel Jame Tod (1782-1835) author of Annals and Antiquities of Rajasthan: or the Central and Western Rajput States of India  ISBN 8120612892 says well:
"If we consider the political changes and convulsions which have happened in Hinduism since Mahmud's invasion and the intolerant bigotry of many of his successors, we shall be able to account for the paucity of its national works on history, without being driven to the conclusion, that the Hindus were ignorant of an art which was cultivated in other countries from almost the earliest ages. Is it to be imagined that a nation so highly civilized as the Hindus, amongst whom the exact sciences flourished in perfection, by whom the fine arts, architecture, sculpture, poetry and music were not only cultivated but taught and defined by the nicest and most elaborate rules, were totally unacquainted with the simple art of recording the events of their history, the chapters of their princes and the acts of their reigns?"
Though it is often said glibly that India has never had any historical instinct and that she has never kept any record of her achievements, such a view is incorrect.
The fact seems to be that the so-called Dravidians and the so-called Aryans were indigenous people in India and that the theory of their immigration and incursion into India is a figment of occidental scholarship.
In Tamil words Dravida is said to be the name of the Southern portion of India from Tiruvenkatam (Tirupati) to Kumari (Cape Comorin). The ancient Tamil works speak of a flood which destroyed the land south of the Kumari. The term Pancha Dravidas include the Tamils, the Telegus, the Karnatahas, the Maharastrians, and the Gurjaras, just as the term Pancha Gowdas include the people of the north of the Vindhyas. Thus the term Dravidas relates to a tract of land and not to a race.
The theory of the Aryan immigration into India from somewhere has been so often repeated by the western savants that it has become an article of faith even with the Indian scholars! But the Vedas refer to the Himalayas as the Uttara Giri i.e. the northern border and and contain no hints of an Aryan immigration into India from abroad.
(source: Indian Culture and the Modern Age - By Dewan Bahadur K. S. Ramaswami Sastri  Annamalai University. 1956 p. 46-51).
Several eminent personalities including Swami Vivekanand, Gurudev Rabindranath Tagore and  Shri Aurobindo  firmly believed that Aryans were homegrown, born and brought up in India.  Many chose to dismiss those views simply as irrational, inspirational or ultra-nationalistic. Yet, the archeological finds being uncovered presently, year after year, supported by continuing historical & scholarly research seem to prove that Swami Vivekanand, Rabindranath Tagore and  Shri Aurobindo, and many learned personalities were correct to raise pointed questions against the Aryan Invasion Theory.   
The British, in presenting the Aryan Invasion Theory offered no proof. They did not need to. Hundreds of Indian historians rushed forward to earn their doctorates, promotions, patronage and government-aided jobs and positions for supporting the British theory of Aryan Invasion of India.  Their Proof?  Largely quoting those very hundreds of articles and books –and asking - how could so many learned books and serious articles by countless British and Indian historians be wrong! 
Some did murmur that the British-created Myth was aimed at proving to the Indians that they have always been ruled by foreigners, being incapable of ruling themselves and that it was always the foreign invader, like the Aryans (and in later times, other foreigners and finally, the British), who brought progress and enlightenment – and therefore never must Indians aspire for self-rule unless the intention is to bring back darkness, decadence and ruin on themselves. 
(source: Return of the Aryans - By Bhagwan S Gidwani - Book reviewed by Prof. Jagjit Mirchand).Refer to chapters on First Indologists and European Imperialism.
Oriental Renaissance
In the 18th century, India was regarded as the origin of civilization, by thinkers like Voltaire and Schlegel. 
Voltaire Francois Marie Arouet (1694-1774) France's greatest writer and philosopher wrote: 
" I am convinced that everything has come down to us from the banks of the Ganges, - astronomy, astrology, metempsychosis, etc." " It is very important to note that some 2,500 years ago at the least Pythagoras went from Samos to the Ganges to learn geometry...But he would certainly not have undertaken such a strange journey had the reputation of the Brahmins' science not been long established in Europe..."
Friedrich von Schlegel (1772-1829) German philosopher, critic, and writer, declared in 1803: 
"Everything without exception is of Indian origin.." "whether directly or indirectly, all nations are originally nothing but Indian colonies."

(source: The Invasion That Never Was - By Michel Danino and Sujata Nahar  p. 12 - 13 and 90 - 91).

Refer to Voltaire, Lettres sur l'origine des sciences et sur celle des peuples de l'Asia (first published Paris, 1777), letter of 15 December 1775. and Voltaire, Fragments historiques sur l'linde, p. 444 - 445.
Refer to Out of India Theory - wikipedia.org and refer to chapter on Survarnabhumi and Sacred Angkor
Count Magnus Fredrik Ferdinand Bjornstjerna (1779-1847) author of Die Theogonie, Philosophie und Kosmogonie der Hindus says:
"It is there in (Aryavarta) we must seek not only for the cradle of the Brahmin religion but for the cradle of the high civilization of the Hindus, which gradually extended itself in the west to Ethiopia, to Egypt, to Phoenicia; in the East to Siam, to China and Japan; in the South to Ceylon, to Java and to Sumatra; in the North to Persia, to Chaldea, and to Colchis, whence it came to Greece and to Rome and at length to the distant abode of the Hyperboreons."
Five years later, Alexander Hamilton (1757-1804) aide-de-camp to George Washington and first secretary of the Treasury, epitomized this attitude in these words: 
"When we read in the valuable production of those great Oriental scholars...those of a Jones, a Wilkings, a Colebrooke, or a Halhed - we uniformly discover in the Hindus a nation, whose polished manners are the result of a mild disposition and an extensive benevolence."
Frederick Eden Pargiter (1852-1927) in his well-known work Ancient Indian Historical Tradition says that the Aryan civilization is the civilization of the Aila or Lunar race which lived in Ilavrita in mid-Himalayas: that the Vedic culture reflects a blend of both Aryan and Dravidian and that the Aryan civilization did not come from beyond; and that it spread to Afghanistan and Persia and further west from India.
(source: Indian Culture and the Modern Age - By Dewan Bahadur K. S. Ramaswami Sastri  Annamalai University. 1956 p.39).
Theodor Benfey (1809-1881), a German linguist, was of the opinion that India is the origin of ancient civilization that spread to Europe along with its language and the religious stories. 
Benfey's fame rests on his Pantschantantra, Fuenf Buecher indischer Fabeln, Maerchen und Erzaehlungen. ("Pancatantra, five books of Indian fables, fairy tales and stories), 1859. In the Introduction he showed that many Oriental and Occidental fairy tales are of Indian origin. He traced their route to the West: they were firs translated into Pahlevi, then into Arabic to be later rendered into Greek, Persian, Hebrew, Latin and German. 
According to Benfey, the Pancatantra is a nitishastra, a book on statesmanship for kings and ministers. He concludes the introduction by saying "my research in the field of fables, fairy stories and tales of Orient and Occident have convinced me that not few fables, but a large number of fairy tales and stories, was spread from India all over the world."

(source: German Indologists: Biographies of Scholars in Indian Studies writing in German - By Valentine Stache-Rosen p.32 - 33).

Refer to Out of India Theory - wikipedia.org.
Historian Thomas R. Trautmann explains, its proponents hoped that "the study of Sanskrit and Indian antiquities would bring a second renaissance to the West, as the study of Greek learning had been the foundation of the first Renaissance." 
The French scholar Maurice Olender agrees: "Hebrew, whose centrality had been challenged for some time, finally gave way to Sanskrit," and, for a time, Sanskrit texts "with an air of eternity about them came to supplant the Bible." Well, almost. 
Doctrine of Christian Discovery
C K Raju (1954 - ) holds a Ph.D. from the Indian Statistical Institute. He taught mathematics for several years before playing a lead role in the C-DAC team which built Param: India ’s first parallel supercomputer. His earlier book ‘Time: Towards a Consistent Theory’ set out a new physics with a tilt in the arrow of time. He has been a Fellow of the Indian Institute of Advanced Study and is a Professor of Computer Applications.  
He has observed that:
"According to which only Christians could be regarded as discoverers.
The church decreed that ownership of a piece of land must go to the first Christian to spot it. (Hence, the claim that Columbus “discovered” America , or that Vasco da Gama “discovered” India). The people already living on the land did not matter, and the church encouraged their killing on a mass scale, where possible, as actually happened on three continents. 
This doctrine was made into a law by the US supreme court, and that is where the current US law on land-ownership vis-a-vis the “Red Indians” stands".
(source: Newton as Theologian - By C K Raju). Refer to Five Hundred Years of Injustice and Evangelical Intrusions - By Sandhya Jain  Rupa Publications.
Note: The Doctrine of Discovery provided that by law and divine intention European Christian countries gained power and legal rights over indigenous non-Christian peoples immediately upon their “discovery” by Europeans. Various European monarchs and their legal systems developed this principle to benefit their own countries. Refer to Native America, Discovered and Conquered: Thomas Jefferson, Lewis & Clark, and Manifest Destiny - By Robert Miller
However, this generous estimate of Indian civilization and its possible contribution to the West started changing as Britain's hold over India grew more firm and widespread. While most 18th century European travelers to India described her as "flourishing," less than a century later she had sunk into depths of dismal misery. The Mahabharata has this pregnant image: "If spent ceaselessly even the Himalayas would be exhausted." The British were anxious to clothe their greed in lofty ideals" the "white man's burden" of civilizing (and, naturally, Christianizing) less enlightened races, the "divinely ordained mission" of bringing to India the glory of Europe's commercial and industrial civilization, and so forth. 
As Thomas R. Trautmann American historian, puts it: 
"Evangelical influence drove British policy down a path that tended to minimize and denigrate the accomplishments of Indian civilization and to position itself as the negation of the (earlier) British Indomania" that was nourished by belief in Indian wisdom."
(Refer to What Every "Ugly American" Must Know about the "Civilized British - www.larouchepac.com)
That is how the short-lived "Indomania" gave way to what the French scholar Raymond Schwab called "British Indophobia." Sadly, but mistakenly, most of Europe's Sanskrit scholars were now certain that these translations would "carry their own condemnation." The British could even less accept that they owed their language and civilization to a benighted India - that would have been dealing a blow to the very foundation of Europe's mission in India, and particularly to the British Empire now at the height of its glory. Thus, the Rig-Veda was seen as "rather Indo-European than Hindu, and representing the condition of the Aryans before their final settlement in India." 
Never mind that all this was mere conjecture, that the Rig-Veda itself made it clear that the wars between Aryans and Dasyus, were battles between powers of light and darkness, that the word "Arya" was plainly used in the Veda to describe not a racial group, but a quality of being and a culture, a dedication to the truth and readiness to fight for it - all this was simply brushed aside, and whole edifice was promptly erected on these non-existent foundations.
This theory was used to cut down the Indian's pride in his past and nation - since India was no longer the source of Indian civilization - and make him all the more willing to accept the white man's rule: now that the Hindus were shown to be descendants of former invaders who belonged to the same "Aryan race" as the Europeans' ancestors, it was easier to legitimize Britain's conquest of India as merely as one more "Aryan wave" which, this time would bring true light to the subcontinent. John Wilson, a leading Christian missionary of the time, declared in all seriousness in 1858, and naturally this happy family reunion had now brought India into contact "with the most enlightened and philanthropic nation in the world." 
Lord Derby, then Secretary of State for India, declared that the scholars who had discovered and proved the close relationship between Sanskrit and English, had rendered more valuable service to the (colonial) Government of India than many a regiment." 
Sir William Wilson Hunter 1840-1900)  He was educated at Glasgow University (B.A. s86o), Paris and Bonn, acquiring a knowledge of Sanscrit, and passing first in the final examination for the Indian Civil Service in 1862. Author of  A Brief History of the Indian Peoples and editor of Imperial Gazetteer of India.wrote in 1868: 
"The aboriginals would be a good target group for conversion to Christianity. They have yet to start on the path of progress. It remains for us to decide whether the path is to lead them to Hinduism, or the purer faith and civilization which we represent."

(source: The Invasion That Never Was - By Michel Danino and Sujata Nahar).
Thomas R Trautmann author of Aryans and British India (1997) and The Aryan Debate in India, points out that the racial theory of Indian civilization is the product of the late 19th century, when the relations between whites and other ethnic groups in the Anglo-Saxon world were being reconfigured with ideological support from a spate of racial essentialism. 
Trautmann concludes: “That the racial theory of Indian civilization still lingers is a miracle of faith. Is it not time we did away with it.” (215).
(source: The Quest for the Origin of Vedic Culture - By Edwin F Bryant  p. 51 – 62).

History as a Colonial Tool
“For Western historians anything that is pre-Christian has to have been heathen, barbaric, godless or pagan, and traced back to Greek or Rome. Thus, their religious loyalties stunt their intellectual horizons." 
- Stephen Knapp, author of Proof of Vedic Culture's Global Existence p. 272.

Refer to Defaming of Hinduism-I – By V Sundaram – newstodaynet.com and Defaming of Hinduism-II – By V Sundaram – newstodaynet.com. Refer to Communist Historians: The Enemy Within – By Yvette Rosser and  Romila Thapar’s Kluge Prize – By Dr. Gautam Sen - vigilonline.com  Refer to What Every "Ugly American" Must Know about the "Civilized British - www.larouchepac.com
For more on Christian Intolerance refer to chapters on The Goa Inquisition, European Imperialism, Conversion, and First Indologists. Refer to Invading the Sacred: An Analysis of Hinduism Studies in America - By Krishnan Ramaswamy, Antonio de Nicolas and Aditi Banerjee. 
Henri Cordier (1849 - 1925) French scholar quoted in The Adventures of Ibn Battuta
“Westerners have singularly narrowed the history of the world in grouping the little that they know about the expansion of the human race around the peoples of Israel, Greece and Rome. Thus have they ignored all those travelers and explorers who in their ships ploughed the China Sea and the Indian Ocean, or rode the immensities of Central Asia to the Persian Gulf. 
In truth the larger part of the globe, containing cultures different from those of the ancient Greeks and Romans but no less civilized, has remained unknown to those who wrote the history of their little world under the impression that they were writing world history."

The Alleged Massacre at Mohenjo-daro
This was the second major distortion

One of the major props for this theory has been the ”massacre at Mohenjo-daro.” According to this “theory,” the Aryans supposedly came riding on their horses swinging their iron swords and masssacred the hapless “Dravidian” inhabitants of Mohenjo-daro (the ancient city of Indus Valley Civilisation). 
How do we know there was a massacre? 
Because, we are told, many skeletons have been found at this ancient site which conclusively prove the Aryan invasion. B .B. Lal (ex-Director General, Archaeological Survey of India) in his paper presented at the International Conference on Indian History, Civilisation and Geopolitics 2009, has this to say about the alleged massacre at Mohenjo-daro which is the “proof” given to us for the Aryan invasion:
"Adding fuel to the fire was the famous declaration of my revered guru, Sir Mortimer Wheeler (1890 - 1976). In 1946, after having discovered a fortification-wall around one of the mounds at Harappa and on learning that in the Vedas Indra has been described as puraÅdara (i.e. destroyer of forts), he lost no time and announced:
“On circumstantial evidence Indra [symbolic of the Vedic Aryans] stands accused [of destroying the Harappan Civilization].”
The hands of the Vedic “invaders” were sullied with the blood of the so-called ‘Dravidian-speaking Harappans’ who were said to have been massacred by the former, and whose territories were usurped by them driving the latter all the way down to south India. In support of the (supposed) massacre, Wheeler cited some skeletons met with at Mohenjo-daro. 
However, an in-depth analysis of the provenance of these skeletons shows that they occurred in different stratigraphic levels – some in the middle, some in the late and yet some others in deposits which had accumulated at the site after its abandonment. Had an invasion been the cause of these deaths, one expects that the skeletons would have been found in one level which also would have been the uppermost, after which the inhabitants are taken to have deserted the site and migrated to south India. Further, all the skeletal remains came from the Lower Town which was occupied by the commoners, but none from the Citadel area which was the seat of the government. Are we expected to believe that the ‘invaders’ killed the commoners and carefully spared the high-ups? The doubt about the deaths having been the result of an ‘invasion’ is also supported by that fact some of the skeletons bore cut-marks which had been healed – a process which must have taken quite some time. There would have been no healing had the deaths been due to a ‘massacre’. 
I am in full agreement with George F. Dales who captioned his paper (1964): ‘The Mythical Massacre at Mohenjo-daro’. In this context, it also needs to be added that no site of the Harappan Civilization has yielded any evidence of ‘invasion’, much less of ‘massacre’. Nor is there any evidence of an alien culture overtaking any of these sites. On the other hand, the data show a continuity of occupation and only gradual cultural transition – such as into what has been labeled as the Jhukar Culture at Chanhu-daro or Cemetery H Culture at Harappa or the Rangpur Culture in Gujarat."
ometimes I wonder if these Raj-era historians and the modern communist historians of India have been inhabiting a cuckoo-land all along. What is the reason for these people to be so determined to teach our children this history of India and simply refuse to change it despite the laughable arguments and day-dreaming on which most of its conclusions rest? And to think that an entire “Dravidian” movement was created in Tamil Nadu based on this fantastic proof of Aryan invasion of India! Those old Dravidian war-horses are still grazing contentedly in the south, I have heard, and have managed to rule the state for many years in the bargain. The Aryan invasion theory is a political theory created with a certain political objective in mind (detaching south India from rest of India and turning it into a Christian land). 
This is why the lack of a historical proof for this theory is treated as a minor irritant and brushed aside with contempt by Anglo-Americans and Indian communist professors. It is the now the turn of Indians to brush these people aside with the same contempt.
(source: The Alleged Massacre at Mohenjo-daro - indianrealist.com). Refer to Communist Historians: The Enemy Within – By Yvette Rosser.
A Hoax of a theory
No mention of Europe
There is no mention of any location outside the mainland of India in any of the Vedic texts! If Aryans came from Europe , then why haven't the so called Aryans mentioned any of the European locations in any of the Vedic or related texts? The farthest location away from India towards the west mentioned in the Vedas is Kadhahar of present day Afghanistan , which was called Gandhar in the Vedic texts and was said to be the kingdom of Shakuni . Why haven’t any of the texts mentioned about their European locations? Why is there no Vedic text which talks about migration from Europe ?
No European Rivers
None of the Vedic texts talk about rivers outside India ! Everybody knows that rivers were the major sources of water for all ancient civilizations and so all ancient civilizations were centered around the world’s major rivers. Why is there no mention of any European river or a river outside India anywhere in the Vedic texts? Wouldn’t a race mention something or the other about its native place in at least one of its texts?
Dravidians was not a separate race  
The word ‘Dravida’ was first coined by Adi Sankara, a Brahmin monk from Kerala: in his shasthrath with Mandana Mishra at Varanasi , he had called himself a ‘Dravida shishu’ that is a child of an area where three oceans meet ie. South India .
Refer to The Myth of Saint Thomas and the Mylapore Shiva Temple - By Ishwar Sharan
Why don't any Dravidian folk lore or ancient texts or sayings or stories or epics exist which talk about the so called Aryan invasion? Also why do the Vedic texts talk about locations in South India ? The Ramayana, Mahabharatha all talk about South Indian locations even below and beyond the main land of India into the Indian ocean like Srilanka! If Aryans were from Europe and if they invaded North India and pushed local people down to South India , where did these locations come from? This proves beyond doubt that there do not exist any separate Aryan and Dravidian races. Instead natives of both North India and South India belong to one single race called the Vedic Indian race! 
(source: Hoax of Aryan invasion theory).
Passport to Europe?
The Aryan-Dravidian divide in history taught in schools and universities is purely a concept of foreign historians like Max Muller; it has no basis in Indian historical records. This fraudulent history has been lapped up by upper caste Indians, as their racial passport to Europe . Such has been the demoralization of the Hindu mind, which we have to shake off through a new factual account of our past. 
(source:  Hindus Under Siege - By Dr. Subramanium Swamy  p. 1 - 20).
AAA's (American Anthropological Association) Statement on Race  
From its inception, this modern concept of "race" was modeled after an ancient theorem of the Great Chain of Being, which posited natural categories on a hierarchy established by God or nature. Thus "race" was a mode of classification linked specifically to peoples in the colonial situation. It subsumed a growing ideology of inequality devised to rationalize European attitudes and treatment of the conquered and enslaved peoples. Proponents of slavery in particular during the 19th century used "race" to justify the retention of slavery. The ideology magnified the differences among Europeans, Africans, and Indians, established a rigid hierarchy of socially exclusive categories underscored and bolstered unequal rank and status differences, and provided the rationalization that the inequality was natural or God-given. The different physical traits of African-Americans and Indians became markers or symbols of their status differences.
As they were constructing US society, leaders among European-Americans fabricated the cultural/behavioral characteristics associated with each "race," linking superior traits with Europeans and negative and inferior ones to blacks and Indians. Numerous arbitrary and fictitious beliefs about the different peoples were institutionalized and deeply embedded in American thought.
(source: AAA's Statement on Race). Watch New Discoveries on India 's History

Motives of the British East India Company - To convert and Conquer
Lord Thomas Babbington Macaulay (1800-59) was the first Law Member of the Governor-General's Legislature and is best known for introducing English education in India. 
He wrote in his notorious 1835 Minute that Hinduism was based on 
" a literature admitted to be of small intrinsic value ...(one) that inculcates the most serious errors on the most important subjects ... hardly reconcilable with reason, with morality...fruitful of monstrous superstitions. " Hindus had therefore been fed for millennia with a "false history, false astronomy, false medicine ...in company of a false religion." 
Dismissing with incredible arrogance the profound speculation and beautiful language of the Sanskrit classics, he said, " I doubt whether the Sanskrit literature be as valuable as that of our Saxon and Norman progenitors." 
Macaulay advised in 1835 the creation of an Indian elite through Western style education, making them 
"Indian in blood and color, but English in taste, in opinion, in morals, in intellect.' The policy was frankly one of Westernizing India.  Though not a missionary himself, he sincerely believed that Christianity held the key to the problems of administering India.

(source: India: A World in Transition - By Beatrice Pitney Lamb p. 194)).  For more refer to chapter European Imperialism and First Indologists.
Francisco Gil-White is an anthropologist who was Assistant Professor of Psychology at the University of Pennsylvania and lecturer at the Solomon Asch Centre for Study of Ethnopolitical Conflict. He holds a Masters Degree in Social Sciences from the University of Chicago and a PhD in Biological and Cultural Anthropology from UCLA.
He has observed:
"The evidence supports the view that the ancient Iranians were a development of ancient Indian culture, emerging into their own as a result of population movements out of the Indian subcontinent, where civilization began. 
However, this is poorly understood because for the last 150 years a remarkably tenacious but unsupported theory of Indian history has been taught in the West. It has also been taught in India, because the dominant educational system there was set up by the British colonialists and did not undergo significant changes after independence.  
This mistaken picture of Indian history is a direct product of nineteenth-century European politics—especially German politics, combined with the colonial and missionary interests of the British Empire. 
It has little to do with India."
"The British were looking for ways to undermine Indian culture and pride in order more effectively to rule India."
(source: The Crux of World History - By Francisco Gil-White).
Lord Canning (1812 - 1862) Governor General of India from 1856 - 1862 and the first Viceroy in India. In the middle of the 1857 uprising, he wrote to a British official: 
“As we must rule 150 millions of people by a handful (more or less small) of Englishmen, let us do it in the manner best calculated to leave them divided (as in religion and national feeling they already are) and to inspire them with the greatest possible awe of our power and with the least possible suspicion of our motives.”  
(source: The Muslims of British India - By P Hardy p. 72).
Cannibalizing Cultures - Pests from the West
Its Imperialism, Stupid
Sesha Samarajiwa ( ? ) from Sri Lanka is interested examining foreign religious agents’ role as Fifth Columnists of neocolonialism/neoimperialism. He has written:
"Evangelists belong to a long line of pests from the West who have come and keep coming like locusts to colonize our souls and cannibalize our cultures.
The latest incursions are merely a continuation of the 500-year-old sorry saga of Asia, Africa and South America, which began with the arrival of the Portuguese and the Spaniards. Some have never recovered from the machinations of their priests and the savagery of their conquistadors. The baton of imperialism has passed from the Europeans to the Americans. That is not to say that the rest of the West has dropped out. They have not. They are very much in the game. It’s just that the Americans are in the lead, the new Romans on the rampage. 
We know well how the Europeans won the West. They won it through mass genocide of the native populations in North and South America. In South America, hundreds and thousands of natives who resisted conversion were garroted. There is a poignant painting depicting such conversions. It shows armored Spanish soldiers garroting native priests, while a Spanish priest holds up a large cross. More terrified natives await their turn. On the side, another Spanish priest feeds stacks of ancient gold-leaf books of the Mayans into a fire. On the face of the Mayan priests, a look of utter sadness mixed with resignation.
In places like India and Sri Lanka, they were no better. They too faced abject horrors. In his book, Christianity's scramble for India, Navaratna Rajaram says that “the Christian Missionary is neither a Christian nor a missionary. In fact, he is a racist and a white supremacist in priestly guise.” Their Buffalo Bills and their Wild Bills, their Custers and their Cortezes, and the long line of predators and priests made sure that the sorry remainder of once-proud nations would remain so, while they ruled the roost in lands drenched with native blood. Many weaker cultures succumbed to the relentless onslaught from the West. They either slaughtered those who resisted or they sowed the seeds of abjection and their eventual self-destruction. Even today, we see the pathetic dregs of once-noble nations staggering around native reservations and barrios in North and South America, in Australia, in Canada, in New Zealand. They have lost their spirit. They have lost their will to live. They seem embarrassed to be alive. They are self-destructing. At best, they are performing monkeys titillating whites with a thirst for the exotic. These are abject peoples, vanishing tribes. Now, not satisfied with ruling their large chunk of raided real estate, they are hell-bent on extending their hegemony over the whole world. They howl in protest when the natives resist. Human misery is happy hunting grounds for these spiritual cartels. They strike when their targets are at their weakest or bomb them to submission to make sure they are at their weakest. Thus softened up, they are susceptible to inducements and brainwashing. They are canny. To ‘convert’ people, you must first make them despise and reject what had sustained their people for millennia. So they vilify their faith or convince them it is a spent force or dark superstition. In so doing, they make us spit on our heritage."
(source: Beware of wolves in sheep’s clothing - By Sesha Samarajiwa - Asian Tribune October 9, 2007). Refer to Communist Historians: The Enemy Within – By Yvette Rosser. Refer to Year 501: The Conquest Continues - By Naom Chomsky and It's Imperialism, Stupid - By Noam Chomsky. 

The Deliberate Distortion by the Gora Sahibs
The wise may arraign or applaud
Wealth may flow in or vanish
as it will,
Death may occur today
or when the epoch ends
The steadfast never stray
from the path of righeousness
                               - written in Sanskrit by Bhartrihari in Nitishatak
This is nothing but a criminal act of robbing Indian civilisation of its antiquity.
The ancient Indian history as taught today to our youth is mostly based on a number of distortions and mis-dated chronology that Kosla Vepa, the director of the Indic Studies Foundation, says:
“were deliberately engineered to create confusion and inferiority complex among Indians” by the  British Raj’s pseudo-historians of 19th century. It is time for us Indians to reclaim our history from the clutches of the Gora sahibs and set right these distortions."
 Prof. B.B. Lal (former DG, ASI) in his paper at the International Conference on Indian History, Civilisation and Geopolitics to be held from January 9 2009 at New Delhi, has given several examples of these distortions in Indian history. 
The Deliberate Distortion Number One engineered by that infamous rogue Max Mueller that is still haunting us Indians today:
Way back in the 19th century, the renowned German scholar Max Muller dated the Vedas to circa 1200 BCE. This he did on a very ad-hoc basis. Having accepted that the Sµutra literature could be as old as the sixth century BCE, he assigned a duration of two hundred years to each of the preceding periods, namely those of the Araynakas, Brahmanas and Vedas. Thus, 600+200+200+200= 1200 BCE was his ready-made date for the Vedas.
However, when his contemporary scholars, such as Goldstucker, Whitney and Wilson raised objections to this kind of ad-hocism, he relented and came out with the following statement: 
“I have repeatedly dwelt on the merely hypothetical character of the dates, which I have ventured to assign to the first periods of Vedic literature. All I have claimed for them has been that they are minimum dates, and that the literary productions of each period which either still exist or which formerly existed could hardly be accounted for within shorter limits of time than those suggested.” But when even this explanation-cum-apology did not satisfy the scholars, Max Muller threw up his hands in sheer desperation. His confession, as follows, is worth noting (Max Muller 1890, reprint 1979): 
“If now we ask how we can fix the dates of these periods, it is quite clear that we cannot hope to fix a terminum a qua [sic]. Whether the Vedic hymns were composed [in] 1000 or 1500 or 2000 or 3000 BC, no power on earth will ever determine.” In so far as Max Muller was concerned, the matter was closed from his side. But the greatest irony is that his original fatawa of 1200 BCE, given in the 19th century, is sill ruling the roost in certain quarters even in the 21st century! The disastrous effect of this fatawa was seen in the 1920s when the Harappan Civilization was discovered and attempts were made to identify its authors. On the basis of the occurrence of several objects of this civilization in deposits of certain already-dated West Asian cultures, it was assigned to the 3rd millennium BCE. Was it necessary for Mueller to circulate these dates about the Vedas and other literature to others when he himself admitted that no power on earth could determine when these holy books actually got written, “whether in 1000 or 1500 or 2000 or 3000 BC”? It is a crying shame that this date of 1200 BC as origin of the Vedas pulled by Mueller out of his hat is still being taught to Indian school children as a “fact.”
(source: Did the Vedas get Written around 1200 BC? Says Who? - indianrealist.com).  Refer to Communist Historians: The Enemy Within – By Yvette Rosser.

K. M. Panikkar (1896-1963) Indian scholar, journalist, historian from Kerala, administrator, diplomat, Minister in Patiala Bikaner and Ambassador to China, Egypt and France. Author of several books, including Asia and Western Dominance, India Through the ages and India and the Indian Ocean.
In 'A Survey of Indian History’ (1954) he says:
‘One thing, however, is certain and can no longer be contested—civilization did not come to India with the Aryans. This doctrine of the Aryan origin of Indian civilization which finds no support in Indian Literature which does not consider the Dasyus (Dravidians) as uncivilized, is the result of the theories of Indo-Germanic scholars who held that everything valuable in the world originated from the Aryans. Not only is Indian civilization pre-Vedic, but the essential features of Hindu religion as we know it today were perhaps present in Mohenjo-Daro."
(source: A Survey of Indian History - By K M Pannikkar p. 4).  Refer to Communist Historians: The Enemy Within – By Yvette Rosser.
Sheldon Pollock Professor of Sanskrit and Indian Studies at Columbia University has said,
"Colonialism nearly killed India's capacity to know its past;  globalization threatens to destroy its will."
(source: Digital Memory - By Sugata Srinivasaraju - outlookindia.com). Refer to The identity of Indians – By Subramanium Swamy
Prof. Prodosh Aich of Oldenberg university and author of the book Lies with long legs is of great value in exposing the fact that the Emperor has no clothes. He has succeeded in establishing that entire understanding of India of the western world developed by self claimed scholars is totally erroneous since the initial attempt to comprehend ancient India through Vedas was itself faulty.

He has very rightfully questioned the validity of the works of the famous western scholars who went on to translate Vedic literature from Sanskrit language into Italian, English and German. Majority of them did not even set their foot on the Indian soil and those, who came to India, did not learn ancient language in any organized manner but in an auto didactic fashion.
Translation from one language to another, it is universally accepted, needs almost an equal command on both the languages. But majority of the Western Sanskrit scholars did not learn or rather could not learn Sanskrit. Since Sanskrit was not a spoken language, it was all the more difficult for them to develop language skills required for translation.

Based on this fact, the author has undertaken a research that leads to the prevalent and popular viewpoint that colonialist Imperial England had prepared a concerted and well conceived design to establish the superiority of white, blue eyed, blond -Christian culture over all other cultures which they opted to define as “primitive” and particularly that of India. Scholars after scholars, even after the rolling back of colonial empire, have continued to overlook the material that would have gone a long way to remove well laid myths and negative understanding about Indian society, polity and culture.

Moreover, it would raise questions on popularly accepted theories on India such as Aryans came to this part of the world from the North or they emigrated here and then pushed back the original inhabitants from north to south of India.  In an eye opening revelation, the author has successfully established that a Jesuit father Roberto de Nobili, in his missionary zeal, went to the extent of claiming that he was able to find out the lost Yajurveda which in fact was got written by him to establish that there was indeed a relationship between Christianity and ancient Indian practices that were being preserved and followed by Brahmins. Roberto de Nobili, in order to win the confidence of the local Brahmin community, even calls himself as Brahmin from Rome.

Racial terminology was used to create a conscious divide between the ruled and the ruling classes by terming them as “us” and “them”. So much so that a new discipline called as “Ethnography” came to be established at the European academic institutions.
“Us” and “them”, alien and local, Aryans and non-Aryans, Indo-European or Indo-German, were employed by hired scholars or rather court writers to create an impression or an illusion that the Europeans were racially superior to all others.

"Why did British occupants narrate a (history from far off Bengal, which was eagerly taken up by many Europeans to embroider and elaborate that tale in many fanciful facets? It was just a harmless story of a conquest. No. All these stories were designed as the "historical justification" for looting, building strongholds, colonising foreign lands with the purpose of sustained exploitation. And they were presented as an inherent law of evolutionary development of mankind. The conquerors, the deliberate killers, the occupants, the exploiters from Christian Europe were hailed for having brought culture and civilisation into the "colonies". They were just following the same pattern of those nomads on grazing grounds, the "Aryans" from the Central Asiatic steppes, who came in some "pre historic" period and brought civilisation into India. The Christians "ruffians" were just treading on the footprints of the "Aryans". What could have been wrong with that?" the author poses an interesting observation.
The book, by using unflinching and convincing source material, has gone on to prove that a concerted and conscious effort was made to establish the superiority of the white-blond-blue eyed- Christian culture over all other cultures, societies and people.

(source: Lies with long legs - By Prodosh Aich Samskriti). Refer to Macaulays, Muellers exposed -  By Satish Misra - tribuneindia.com
Rajiv Malhotra ( ? )  After studying in Delhi's St. Columba's High School and then St. Stephen's College, Rajiv arrived in the US in 1971 to study Physics and Computer Science. His corporate careers and business entrepreneurship included the computer, software and telecom industries. He now spends full time with The Infinity Foundation, a non-profit organization in Princeton, New Jersey. In a speech in February 2009 he said:  
Invasion Theory of India - Then there is this idea that everything good about India was imported into India. The so-called Aryans brought Sanskrit. The Greeks brought philosophy and rational thought; Hinduism was a colonial construction; Indian culture was started by the Mughals and British gave Indians a nation and cricket and now we have to import our human rights from America."
(source: Where is India in the Encounter of Civilizations? - By Rajiv Malhotra - indianrealist.com).
Western Academic Constructions Lead to Violence
In the past five centuries, the European nations colonized many regions of Asia, Africa, and the Americas. These Western powers variously imposed a Eurocentric worldview on the colonized cultures. The histories of the local cultures, as well as a global historic narrative, were constructed to justify colonization.  Today, even though many of these biases have been exposed, they still wield power in the academic and socio-political discourse.
Unobjective and Biased scholarship based on Race Science has led to violence around the world

In the late 18th century, the Indologist Max Muller proposed the Aryan category strictly as a linguistic group, but it soon got transformed into the Aryan race by colonial administrators who used Race Science to make a taxonomical division of traditional Indian communities. The castes designated as ‘non-Aryan’ were marginalized or excluded in depictions of Hindu society. In parallel, the Church evangelists working in South India constructed a Dravidian race identity. The de-linked Tamil culture from its pan-Indian cultural matrix, and claimed that its spirituality was closer to Christianity than to the Aryan North Indian culture.
Sri Lanka
Bishop Robert Caldwell and Max Muller categorized the Tamils as Dravidians and the Sinhalese as Aryans. This division was encouraged by colonial administrators. Gradually, many south Indians who had assumed a Dravidian identity adopted this division and turned it into antagonism toward the so-called Aryans. The result has been the deadly ethnic civil war that continued in Sri Lanka for a few decades.
The Hamitic myth of the Bible, in which the descendants of Noah’s son Ham were cursed, was used by slave traders and slave owners to justify slavery. Hamitic linguistic groups were identified and separated from the rest of Africans. African civilization’s contributions were explained as the work of an imaginary sub-race of Whites invading and civilizing Africa. Western classification of traditional African communities into races led to bitter rivalries, including genocide, as in Rwanda.
The Afro-Dalit project
The Afro-Dalit project purports to paint Dalits as the ‘Blacks’ of India and non-Dalits as India’s ‘Whites.” The history of American racism, slavery and Black/White relations is thus superimposed onto Indian society. While modern caste structures and inter-relationships have included long periods of prejudice toward Dalits, the Dalit experience bears little resemblance to the African slave experience of America. But taking its cue from the American experience, the Afro-Dalit project attempts to empower Dalits by casting them as the victims at the hands of a different race.

Om Tat Sat

( My humble Pranam, Honour  and also gratefulness  to   Ms. Sushma Londhe ji for her  noble, magnanimous and eminent works on the   peerless  Wisdom of our Sacred Scriptures)
(My humble salutations to   , H H Swamyjis, Hindu Wisdom, great Universal Philosophers, Historians, Professors and Devotees   for the discovering  collection)

( The Blog  is reverently for all the seekers of truth and lovers of wisdom and also purely  a non-commercial)


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