Some of the intellectual
celebraties in the world of the
West and the East had the following things
to say about Hinduism:
9. Victor
Cousin (1792-1867) eminent French philosopher, whose knowledge
of the history of European philosophy was unrivalled, believes that:
"When we read with attention the poetical and philosophical monuments of the East--above all, those of India, which are beginning to spread in Europe--we discover there many a truth, and truths so profound, and which make such a contrast with the meanness of the results at which European genius has sometimes stopped, that we are constrained to bend the knee before the philosophy of the East, and to see in this cradle of the human race the native land of the highest philosophy."
(source: Is India Civilized: Essays on Indian Culture - By Sir John Woodroffe p. 132).
(source: India And Her People - By Swami Abhedananda p 11-12).
10. Jules Michelet (1798 -1874) French writer and the greatest historian of the Romantic school said:
"At its starting point in India, the birthplace of races and religions, the womb of the world."
While seeking for the wisdom of ages, he cried at the commencement of his work, “The Bible of Humanity”: “The year 1863 will remain dear and blessed to me.” Why? Because he had read India’s sacred poem, the Ramayana.
"Divine poem, ocean of milk!"
cried Michelet on discovering this ancient Scripture.
In what moving terms he then wrote about India. We can but transcribe his burning words:
“Each year, it is necessary to respire, to take breath again, to revive ourselves at the great living sources that forever keep their eternal freshness. Where can we find them if not at the cradle of our race, on the sacred summits from where descend the Indus and the Ganga....?
(source: The Fragrance of India : landmarks for the world of tomorrow - By Louis Revel p. 16 Kitabistan Allahabad 1946).
Having read Fauche's translation of the Ramayana in 1863, Michelet said:
"That year will always remain a dear and cherished memory; it was the first time I had the opportunity to read the great sacred poem of India, the divine Ramayana. If anyone has lost the freshness of emotion, let him drink a long draught of life, and youth from that deep chalice."
(source: India and World Civilization - By D. P. Singhal Pan Macmillan Limited. 1993. Part II p. 213).
This is what Michelet said of the Ramayana:
"Whoever has done or willed too much let him drink from this deep cup a long draught of life and youth........Everything is narrow in the West - Greece is small and I stifle; Judea is dry and I pant. Let me look toward lofty Asia, and the profound East for a little while. There lies my great poem, as vast as the Indian ocean, blessed, gilded with the sun, the book of divine harmony wherein is no dissonance. A serene peace reigns there, and in the midst of conflict an infinite sweetness, a boundless fraternity, which spreads over all living things, an ocean (without bottom or bound) of love, of pity, of clemency."
Such was the first and enduring impression made on Michelet by the Ramayana.
(source: Philosophy of Hinduism - An Introduction - An Introduction By T. C. Galav Universal Science-Religion. p 149. The Fragrance of India : landmarks for the world of tomorrow - By Louis Revel p. 16 Kitabistan Allahabad 1946).
" From India comes to us a torrent of light, a river of Right and Reason" ......
(source: Arise O' India - By Francois Gautier ISBN 81-241-0518-9 Har-Anand Publications 2000. p. 25).
" Whereas, in our Occident, the most dry and sterile minds brag in front of Nature, the Indian genius, the most rich and fecund of all, knows neither small nor big and has generously embraced universal fraternity, even the identity of all souls."
(source: La Bible de l'Humanite in OEuvres - By Louis Michelet (Paris : Larousse, 1930, vol. 5, p)
11. Francois Marie Arouet Voltaire (1694-1774) France's greatest writers and philosophers, was a theist, and a bitter critic of the Church, which he looked upon as the instigator of cruelty, injustice, and inequality. No wonder that Voltaire, who strongly opposed the Church's totalitarian grip over men's lives, and may count as one of the ideologues of secularism, mentioned the religions of India and China as a model of how religion could be a free exploration by the individual. He said :
"We have shown how much we (Europeans) surpass the Indians in courage and wickedness, and how inferior to them we are in wisdom. Our European nations have mutually destroyed themselves in this land where we only go in search of money, while the first Greeks traveled to the same land only to instruct themselves."
Voltaire concluded, " I am convinced that everything has come down to us from the banks of the Ganga (Ganges), - astronomy, astrology, metempsychosis, etc."
" It is very important to note that some 2,500 years ago at the least Pythagoras went from Samos to the Ganga (Ganges) to learn geometry...But he would certainly not have undertaken such a strange journey had the reputation of the Brahmins' science not been long established in Europe..."
(source: The Invasion That Never Was - By Michel Danino and Sujata Nahar p. 12 - 13 and 18 and 90 - 91).
Refer to Voltaire, Lettres sur l'origine des sciences et sur celle des peuples de l'Asia (first published Paris, 1777), letter of 15 December 1775. and Voltaire, Fragments historiques sur l'linde, p. 444 - 445.
Voltaire (Fragments relating to some revolutions in India), spoke of the Hindus as "a peaceful and innocent people, equally incapable of hurting others or of defending themselves."
(source: Is India Civilized - Essays on Indian Culture - By Sir John Woodroffe p. 36).
He found that India was the home of religion in its oldest and purest form. He described India as a country "on which all other countries had to rely, but which did not rely on anyone else." He also believed that Christianity derived from Hinduism. He wrote to and assured Fredrick the Great of Prussia that "our holy Christian religion is solely based upon the ancient religion of Brahma."
(source: On Hinduism Reviews and Reflections - By Ram Swarup p. 101-102).
It is in such a context, that a man like Voltaire considered India "famous for its laws and sciences" and deplored the mounting European preoccupation (both individual and national) of those in India with the amassing of "immense fortunes." This quest for riches intensified the struggles, plunder, etc. during his own time, and made him remark that "If the Indians had remained unknown to the Tartars and to us, they would have been the happiest people in the world."
(source: Indian Science and Technology in the Eighteenth Century: Some Contemporary European Accounts - By Dharampal Impex India. p. LXIII).
Voltaire among others held up Hinduism as an example of a natural deistic religion with a pedigree much older than that of Judeo-Christianity.
(source: Oriental Enlightenment: The encounter between Asian and Western thought - By J. J. Clarke)
12. Will Durant (1885-1981) American historian, would like the West to learn from India, tolerance and gentleness and love for all living things:
"It is true that even across the Himalayan barrier India has sent to us such questionable gifts as grammar and logic, philosophy and fables, hypnotism and chess, and above all our numerals and our decimal system. But these are not the essence of her spirit; they are trifles compared to what we may learn from her in the future."
"Perhaps in return for conquest, arrogance and spoliation, India will teach us the tolerance and gentleness of the mature mind, the quiet content of the unacquisitive soul, the calm of the understanding spirit, and a unifying, a pacifying love for all living things."
(source: Philosophy of Hinduism - An Introduction - By T. C. Galav Universal Science-Religion. p 20).
He has noted in his book, The Case for India:
"India was the motherland of our race, and Sanskrit the mother of Europe's languages: she was the mother of our philosophy; mother, through the Arabs, of much of our mathematics; mother, through the Buddha, of the ideals embodied in Christianity; mother, through the village community, of self-government and democracy. Mother India is in many ways the mother of us all." Nothing should more deeply shame the modern student than the recency and inadequacy of his acquaintance with India....This is the India that patient scholarship is now opening up like a new intellectual continent to that Western mind which only yesterday thought civilization an exclusive Western thing."
"As flowing rivers disappear in the sea, losing their name and form, thus a wise man, freed from name and form, goes to the divine person who is beyond all." Such a theory of life and death will not please Western man, whose religion is as permeated with individualism as are his political and economic institutions. But it has satisfied the philosophical Hindu mind with astonishing continuity.
Durant felt that
"Even in Europe and America, this wistful theosophy has won millions upon millions of followers, from lonely women and tired men to Schopenhauer and Emerson. Who would have thought that the great American philosopher of individualism would give perfect expression to the Hindu conviction in his poem 'Brahma', that individuality is a delusion? "
He wrote this about the Upanishads, and how they had begun to stir Western thought:
"They are the oldest extant philosophy and psychology of our race; the surprisingly subtle and patient effort of man to understand the mind and the world, and their relation. The Upanishads are as old as Homer, and as modern as Kant."
“But hardly had the British established themselves in India before editions and translations of the Upanishads began to stir Western thought. Fichte conceived an idealism strangely like Shankara’s; Schopenhauer almost incorporated Buddhism, the Upanishads and the Vedanta into his philosophy; and Schelling, in his old age, thought the Upanishads the maturest wisdom of mankind. Nietzsche had dwelt too long with Bismark and the Greeks to care for India , but in the end he valued above all other ideas his haunting notion of eternal recurrence – a variant of reincarnation.”
(source: Story of Civilization: Our Oriental Heritage - By Will Durant MJF Books. 1935. p 410 - 415 and 554).
Durant truly one of the most recognized historians in the world, has remarked on the universal applicability of the Vedanta paradigm.
13. Aldous Huxley (1894-1963) the English novelist and essayist, born into a family that included some of the most distinguished members of the English ruling class, says that the Gita is for the whole world. He is one of those who enriched the West greatly with the wisdom f the East.
Author of several books including Brave New World and The Doors of Perception and Heaven and Hell and The Perennial Philosophy, he observed:
"The Bhagavad-Gita is the most systematic statement of spiritual evolution of endowing value to mankind. The Gita is one of the clearest and most comprehensive summaries of the spiritual thoughts ever to have been made."
Hence Huxley thought its enduring value, not only for Indians, but for all mankind."
(source: Philosophy of Hinduism - An Introduction - By T. C. Galav Universal Science-Religion. p 65).
In his latest books, Eyeless in Gaza and Ends and Means, Aldous Huxley invites our attention to the discipline essential for spiritual insight and argues for the acceptance of the Yoga method. The influence of Indian thought is not so much a model to be copied as a dye which permeates.
(source: Eastern Religions and Western Thought - By Dr. S. Radhakrishnan p 250).
He observed that while historical religions have been violent, eternity-philosophies like "Hinduism and Buddhism have never been persecuting faiths, have preached almost no holy wars and have refrained from that proselytizing religious imperialism, which have gone hand in hand with the political and economic oppression of the colored people."
(source: On Hinduism Reviews and Reflections - By Ram Swarup p. 149).
"The Gita occupies an intermediate position between scripture and theology, for it contains the poetical qualities of the first with the clear-cut methodicalness of the second."
(source: India's Empire of Mind - By Sudhansu Bimal Mookherji p. 93).
Huxley wrote in his book - The Perennial philosophy
"The religions whose theology is least preoccupied with events in time and most concerned with eternity, have been consistently less violent and more humane in political practice. Unlike early Judaism, Christianity and Mohammedanism (all obsessed with time) Hinduism and Buddhism have never been persecuting faiths, have preached almost no holy wars and have refrained from that proselytizing religious imperialism which has gone hand in hand with political and economic oppression of colored people."
(source: The Perennial philosophy - By Aldous Huxley p. 194 - 204).
In his book, Perennial philosophy, (an alternate translation of the Hindu name for their tradition, Sanatana Dharma) Huxley indeed gives due respect to Hinduism, Buddhism and Taoism stating clearly that History centric religions indeed are driven by conquest mentality and hence potential for violence exists all the time because of “ Market share “ and conversion mentality.
"The Perennial Philosophy is expressed most succinctly in the Sanskrit formula, tat tvam asi ('That art thou'); the Atman, or immanent eternal Self, is one with Brahman, the Absolute Principle of all existence; and the last end of every human being, is to discover the fact for himself, to find out who he really is."
(source: The Complete Idiot's Guide to Hinduism - By Linda Johnsen )
14. Alfred North Whitehead (1861-1947), British mathematician, logician and philosopher best known for his work in mathematical logic and who, in collaboration with Bertrand Russell, authored the landmark three-volume Principia Mathematica (1910, 1912, 1913).
Whitehead is reported to have remarked:
" Vedanta is the most impressive metaphysics the human mind has conceived."
(source: Huston Smith: Essays on World Religion edited by M. Darrrol Bryant Paragon House 1992 p 135).
15. Joseph Campbell (1904-1987) was one of the foremost interpreters of myth in our time. Campbell was a prolific writer, dedicated editor, beloved teacher, inspiring lecturer, and an avid scholar of spiritual and cultural development. He is the author of several books including A Hero with Thousand faces
"It is ironic that our great western civilization, which has opened to the minds of all mankind the infinite wonders of a universe of untold billions of galaxies should be saddled with the tightest little cosmological image known to mankind? The Hindus with their grandiose Kalpas and their ideas of the divine power which is beyond all human category (male or female). Not so alien to the imagery of modern science that it could not have been put to acceptable use."
(source: Myths to Live By - By Joseph Campbell. A Bantam Book 1988. p 90).
"The first principle of Indian thought, therefore, is that the ultimate reality is beyond description. It is something that can be experienced only by bringing the mind to a stop; and once experienced, it cannot be described to anyone in terms of the forms of this world. The truth, the ultimate truth, that is to say, is transcendent. it goes past, transcends, all speech all images, anything that can possibly be said. But, as we have just seen, it is not only transcendent, it is also immanent, within all things, Everything in the world, therefore, is to be regarded as its manifestation. There is an important difference her between the Indian and the Western ideas.
"There is an important difference between the Hindu and the Western ideas. In the Biblical tradition, God creates man, but man cannot say that he is divine in the same sense that the Creator is, where as in Hinduism, all things are incarnations of that power. We are the sparks from a single fire. And we are all fire. Hinduism believes in the omnipresence of the Supreme God in every individual. There is no "fall". Man is not cut off from the divine. He requires only to bring the spontaneous activity of his mind stuff to a state of stillness and he will experience that divine principle with him."
(source: Philosophy of Hinduism - An Introduction - By T C Galav Universal Science-Religion. p 19 and Joseph Campbell Foundation).
"There is an illuminating story told of the deity Krishna, who, in the form of a human child, was raised among a little company or tribe of herdsmen. One day he said to them, when he saw them preparing to worship one of the great Gods of the Brahminical pantheon: "But why do you worship a deity in the sky? The support of your life is here, in your cattle. Worship these! " Whereupon, they hung garlands around the necks of their cattle and paid them worship. This wonderful art of recognizing the divine presence in all things, as a ubiquitous presence, is one of the most striking features of Oriental life, and is particularly prominent in Hinduism."
'I have seen very simple people out in the country, climbing a hill, who, when they became tired and paused to rest and eat, set up a stone, poured red paint around it, and then reverently placed flowers before it. The pouring of the red paint set that stone apart. The idea was simply that those people were now going to regard it, not as a stone, but as a manifestation of the divine principle that it is immanent in all things. The pouring of the red paint and placing of the flowers were typical acts of Bhakti, Devotional Yoga: simple devices, readily available to anyone, to shift the focus of the mind from the phenomenal aspect of the object as a mere stone to its mystery of a miracle of being. And this popular form of yoga, no less than the very much sterner and more difficult discipline of Patanjali's Yoga Sutras, to which I first alluded, is a technique to link consciousness to the ultimate truth: the mystery of being. The sense of the whole universe as a manifestation of the radiance of God and of yourself as likewise of that radiance, and the assurance that this is so, no matter what things may look like, round about, is the key to the wisdom of India..."
(source: Joseph Campbell Foundation).
Joseph Campbell, traveled widely in India and was a good friend of Hindu teacher J. Krishnamurti. He also assisted in the translation of one of the greatest classics of modern times, The Gospel of Sri Ramakrishna. At one point, he admitted that discovering the Mandukya Upanishad affected him more profoundly than the beginning of the World War II.
(source: Hinduism - By Linda Johnsen )
16. Sir Monier Monier-Williams (1819-1899) Indologist and head of the Oxford's Boden Chair said:
"The strength of Hinduism lies in its infinite adaptability to the infinite diversity of human character and human tendencies. It has its highly spiritual and abstract side suited to the philosopher, its practical to the man of the world, its aesthetic and ceremonial side attuned to the man of the poetic feeling and imagination; and its quiescent contemplative aspect that has its appeal for the man of peace and the lover of seclusion."
The Hindus, according to him, were Spinozists more than 2,000 years before the advent of Spinoza, and Darwinians many centuries before Darwin and Evolutionists many centuries before the doctrine of Evolution was accepted by scientists of the present age.
"I have found no people in Europe more religious, none more patiently persevering in common duties."
(source: Indian Culture and the Modern Age - By Dewan Bahadur K. S. Ramaswami Sastri Annamalai University. 1956 p.22).
"Starting from the Vedas, Hinduism has ended in embracing something from all religions, and in presenting phases suited to all minds. It is all tolerant, all-compliant, all-comprehensive, all-absorbing."
The following passages about the Hindu Epics (Ramayana and Mahabharata) are noteworthy for their beauty and for their insight:
"It must be admitted, however, that, in exhibiting pictures of domestic life and manners, the Sanskrit epics are even more true and real than the Greek and Roman. In the delineation of women the Hindu poet thrown aside all exaggerated coloring and drawn from nature - Kaikeyi, Kausalya, Mandodari (favorite wife of Ravana), and even the humble-backed Manthara are all drawn to the very life. Sita, Draupadi, and Damayanti engage our affections and our interest for more than Helen or even Penelope. Indeed Hindu wives are generally perfect patterns of conjugal fidelity; can it be doubted that, in these delightful portraits of the Pativrata or purity and simplicity of Hindu domestic manners in early times."
"Indeed, in depicting scenes of domestic affection, and expressing those universal feelings and emotions which belong to human nature in all time and in all places, Sanskrit epic poetry is unrivalled even by Greek Epics.....In the Indian epics, such passages abound, and besides giving a very high idea of the purity and happiness of domestic life in ancient India, indicate a capacity in Hindu woman for the discharge of the most sacred and important social duties."
"Yet there are not wanting indications in the Indian Epics of a higher degree of civilization than that represented in the Homeric poems. The battlefields of the Ramayana and Mahabharata,......are not made barbarously wanton cruelties; and the description of Ayodhya and Lanka imply far greater luxury and refinement than those of Sparta and Troy."
"He (Rama) is the type of a perfect husband, son, and brother. Sita also rises in character far above Helen and even above Penelope, both in her sublime devotion and loyalty to her husband, and her indomitable patience and endurance under suffering and may be affirmed generally that the whole tone of the Ramayana is certainly above that of the Iliad."
(source: Eminent Orientalists: Indian European American - Asian Educational Services. p. 153-157).
In the words of Monier Williams, India is 'in all respects a complete world in itself'.
(source: India Through the Ages - By Madan Gopal - under details).
"It may be with truth be asserted that no description of Hinduism can be exhaustive which does not touch on almost every religious and philosophical idea that the world has ever known. It is all-tolerant, all-comprehensive, all-compliant, all-absorbing. It has its spiritual and its material aspect; it’s esoteric and exoteric; it’s subjective and objective; it’s rational and irrational. It has one side for the practical; another for the severely moral; another for the devotional and the imaginative; another for the philosophical and speculative."
Sir Monier-Williams, in his Brahmanism and Hinduism : or, Religious thought and life in India, as based on the Veda and other sacred books of the Hindus , declares:
"Indeed, if I may be allowed the anachronism, the Hindus were Spinozites more than two thousand years before the existence of Spinoza; and Darwinians may centuries before Darwin; and evolutionists many centuries before the doctrine of evolution had been accepted by the scientists of our time, and before any word like 'evolution' existed in any language of the world."
(source: India And Her People - By Swami Abhedananda - p.16)
He said that Pythagoras and Plato both believed in this doctrine, and that they were indebted for it to Hindu writers.
(source: Indian Wisdom - By Sir M. Monier Williams p. 68).
About the Niti Shastras he says: " Anyone who studies the best Hindu writings cannot but be struck by the moral tone which everywhere pervades them...constantly represent the present condition of human life as the result of actions in the previous existence. Hence a right course of present conduct becomes an all-important consideration as bearing on future happiness...."
He wrote about Sanskrit:
"The Panini grammar reflects the wondrous capacity of the human brain, which till today no other country has been able to produce except India."
Muller is best known for his series Sacred Books of the East.
He wrote:
"If I were asked under what sky the human mind has most fully developed some of its choicest gifts, has most deeply pondered over the greatest problems of life, and has found solutions of some of them which well deserve the attention even of those who have studied Plato and Kant, I should point to India." And if I were to ask myself from what literature we who have been nurtured almost exclusively on the thoughts of Greeks and Romans, and of the Semitic race, the Jewish, may draw the corrective which is most wanted in order to make our inner life more perfect, more comprehensive, more universal, in fact more truly human a life...again I should point to India."
(source: The World's Religions - By Huston Smith. Harper San Francisco. 1991 p 12).
"I maintain that for everybody who cares for himself, for his ancestors, for his history, for his intellectual development, a study of Vedic literature is indispensable ".
"The Upanishads are the.....sources of .....the Vedanta philosophy, a system in which human speculation seems to me to have reached its very acme." "I spend my happiest hours in reading Vedantic books. They are to me like the light of the morning, like the pure air of the mountains - so simple, so true, if once understood."
(source: Philosophy of Hinduism - An Introduction - By T. C. Galav Universal Science-Religion. p 19).
Muller said of Schopenhauer's well known saying - "in the whole world there is no study so beneficial and so elevating as the Upanishad. It has been the solace of my death" "If these words of Schopenhauer required any endorsement I should willingly give it as the result of my own experience during a long life devoted to the study of many philosophies and many religions."
(source: Is India Civilized? - Essays on Indian Culture - By Sir John Woodroffe Ganesh & Co. Publishers 1922. p. 133 - 134)
"The conception of the world as deduced from the Veda, and chiefly from the Upanishads, is indeed astounding."
(source: The Six Systems of Indian Philosophy - By Max Muller (London: Longmans, Green & Co., 1916 p. xiv).
"The transcendent temperament acquired, no doubt, a more complete supremacy in the Indian character than anywhere else."
In History of Ancient Sanskrit Literature (p 557), Max Muller observed, "In the Rig Veda we shall have before us more real antiquity than in all the inscriptions of Egypt or Ninevah...the Veda is the oldest book in existence.."
"Historical records (of the Hindus) extend in some respects so far beyond all records and have been preserved to us in such perfect and legible documents, that we can learn from them lessons which we can learn nowhere else and supply missing links."
(source: India - What It Can Teach Us - By Max Muller p. 21).
"The Vedic literature opens to us a chamber in the education of human race to which we can find no parallel anywhere else. Whoever cares for the historical growth of our language and thought, whoever cares for the first intelligent development of religion and mythology, whoever cares for the first foundation of Science, Astronomy, Metronomy, Grammar and Etymology, whoever cares for the first intimation of the first philosophical thoughts, for the first attempt at regulating family life, village life and state life as founded on religion, ceremonials, traditions and contact must in future pay full attention to the study of Vedic literature."
(source: Hinduism: The Eternal Religion - By M. D. Chaturvedi p.12-13)
"The whole of their (Hindu) literature, from one end to the other, is pervaded by expression of love and reverence for truth.'
(source: Popular Hinduism: The Religion of the Masses - By L S S O'Malley p. 82).
He declared: "None of our philosophers, not excepting Heraclitus, Plato, Kant, or Hegel, has ventured to erect such a spire, never frightened by storms or lightnings. Stone follows on stone, in regular succession after once the first step has been made, after once it has been clearly seen that in the beginning there can have been but One, as there will be but One in the end, whether we call it Atman or Brahman."
(source: The Six Systems of Indian Philosophy - By Max F. Muller p. 239).
Muller says that from Indian literature the Christian world "may draw that corrective which is most wanted in order to make our inner life more perfect, more comprehensive, more universal, in fact more truly humane, a life not for this only, but a transfigured and eternal life."
(source: India - What It Can Teach Us - By Max Muller p. 6).
In Three Lectures on Vedanta Philosophy published in 1896, Muller writes: "What distinguishes the Vedanta philosophy from all other philosophies is that it is at the same time a religion and a philosophy." (p 11-12).
About the love of truth experienced by the sages of the Upanishads, Prof. Max Muller says, " If it seems strange to you that the old Indian Philosophers should have known more about the soul than Greek or medieval or modern philosophers, let us remember that however much the telescopes for observing the stars of heaven have been improved, the observatories of the soul have remained much the same."
He went on to say: "It is surely astounding that such a system as the Vedanta should have been slowly elaborated by the indefatigable and intrepid thinkers of India thousands of years ago, a system that even now makes us feel giddy, as in mounting last steps of the swaying spire of a Gothic cathedral. None of our philosophers, not excepting Heraclitus, Plato, Kant or Hegel, has ventured to erect such a spire, never frightened by storms or lighting. Stone follows on stone after regular succession after once the first step has been made, after once it has been clearly seen that in the beginning there can have been One, as there will be but One in the end, whether we call it Atman or Brahman."
(source: Three Lectures on the Vedanta Philosophy, London. 1894. p. 7).
Prof Max Mueller, an authority on ancient India, says: "I do not deny that the manly vigor, the public spirit and the private virtues of the citizens of European states represent one side of the human destiny." But, surely, he asserts, "there is another side to our nature and possibly another destiny open to man."
And he points to India, "Where the climate was mild and the soil fertile." He asks: "Was it not, I say, natural then, that another side of human nature should be developed — not the active, the combative and acquisitive, but the passive, the meditative and reflective?"
"If philosophy is meant to be a preparation for a happy death, or Euthanisia, I know of no better preparation for it than the Vedanata philosophy."
(source: India And Her People - By Swami Abhedananda p.234).
"Whatever sphere of the human mind you may select for your special study, whether it be language, or religion, or mythology, or philosophy, whether it be law or customs, primitive art or primitive science, everywhere you have to go to India, whether you like it or not, because some of the most valuable and instructive materials of the history of man are treasured up in India and India only."
(source: Yoga: A Vision of its Future - By Gopi Krishna p. 119).
"The Hindus," says Max Muller, "were a people remarkably gifted for philosophical abstraction."
(source: Hindu Superiority - By Har Bilas Sarda p. 276).
"The earliest of these Upanishads will always maintain a place in the philosophic literature of the world among the most astounding products of the human mind."
(source: Hinduism Invades America - by Wendell Thomas p. 240 published by The Beacon Press Inc. New York City 1930).
18. Count Hermann Keyserling (1880-1946) philosopher, author, public speaker. He is the first Western thinker to conceive and promote a planetary culture, beyond nationalism and cultural ethnocentrism, based on recognition of the equal value and validity of non-western cultures and philosophies. Keyserling founded the School of Wisdom in Darmstadt, Germany in 1920 based on the original Schools of Wisdom which prospered over two thousand years ago in Northern India.
Keyserling was much impressed with the metaphysical profundity of India. He used Indian thought to measure European standards of conduct and morality. The influence of Keyserling on the European intelligentsia after World War I, especially in Germany was deep but short-lived. Germany shattered from the disastrous war, had returned its attention towards India for solace and new inspiration as is indicated by the publication of innumerable novels and poems with a predominantly Asian background.
(source: India and World Civilization - By D. P. Singhal Pan Macmillan Limited. 1993. p 240).
"I have not found in Europe or America, poets, thinkers or popular leaders equal, or even comparable, to those of India today."
(source: The Discovery of India - By Jawaharlal Nehru Oxford University Press. 1995. p 89).
"Hinduism at its best has spoken the only relevant truth about the way to self-realization in the full sense of the word.'
(source: Huston Smith: Essays on World Religion - edited by M. Darrrol Bryant Paragon House 1992 p 29-30).
India, says Keyserling,
“has produced the profoundest metaphysics that we know of ” and he speaks of “ the absolute superiority of India over the West in philosophy; poetry from the Mahabharata, containing the Bhagavad-Gita, “perhaps the most beautiful work of the literature of the world.”
source: The Case for India - By Will Durant Simon and Schuster, New York. 1930 p.6).
Count Keyserling, who left Europe shortly before World War I to journey around the world, wrote an account of the city of Banaras:
"Benares is holy. Europe, grown superficial, hardly understands such truths anymore.....I feel nearer here than I have ever done to the heart of the world; here I feel everyday as if soon, perhaps even today, I would receive the grace of supreme revelation...The atmosphere of devotion which hangs above the river is improbable in strength; stronger than in any church that I have ever visited. Every would be Christian priest would do well to sacrifice a year of his theological studies in order to spend his time on the Ganga; here he would discover what piety means."
(source: Banaras: City of Light - By Diana L Eck p. 17).
19. Romain Rolland (1866-1944) French Nobel laureate, professor of the history of music at the Sorbonne and thinker. He authored a book on the Life of Ramakrishna
This is what he said about India: "If there is one place on the face of the earth where all the dreams of living men have found a home from the very earliest days when man began the dream of existence, it is India....For more than 30 centuries, the tree of vision, with all its thousand branches and their millions of twigs, has sprung from this torrid land, the burning womb of the Gods. It renews itself tirelessly showing no signs of decay."
"Let us return to our eagle's nest in the Himalayas. It is waiting for us, for it is ours, eaglets of Europe, we need not renounce any part of our real nature...whence we formerly took our flight."
(source: Philosophy of Hinduism - An Introduction - By T. C. Galav Universal Science-Religion. p 20).
"Religious faith in the case of the Hindus has never been allowed to run counter to scientific laws, moreover the former is never made a condition for the knowledge they teach, but there are always scrupulously careful to take into consideration the possibility that by reason both the agnostic and atheist may attain truth in their own way. Such tolerance may be surprising to religious believers in the West, but it is an integral part of Vedantic belief."
Romain Rolland thought: "The true Vedantic spirit does not start out with a system of preconceived ideas. It possesses absolute liberty and unrivalled courage among religions with regard to the facts to be observed and the diverse hypotheses it has laid down for their coordination. Never having been hampered by a priestly order, each man has been entirely free to search wherever he pleased for the spiritual explanation of the spectacle of the universe."
He points outs out that "a hundred facts testify to how great an extent the East (India) was mingled with Hellenic thought during the second century of our era."
(source: Romain Rolland has given a long Note as an appendix to his book on Vivekananda - 'On the Hellenic-Christian Mysticism of the First Centuries and its Relationship to Hindu Mysticism.').
He wrote: "The greatest human ideal is the great cause of bringing together the thoughts of Europe and Asia; the great soul of India will topple our world."
(source: The Genius of India - By Guy Sorman (Le Genie de l'Inde) Macmillan India Ltd. 2001. ISBN 0333 936000 p. 157-158).
"The vast and tranquil metaphysics of India is unfolded; her conception of the universe, her social organization, perfect in its day and still capable of adaptation to the demands of modern times; the solution which she offers for the feminist problem, for the problems of the family, of love, of marriage; and lastly, the magnificent revelation of her art. The whole vast soul of India proclaims from end to end of its crowded and well ordered edifice the same domination of a sovereign synthesis." There is no negation. All is harmonized. All the forces of life are grouped like a forest, whose thousand waving arms are led by Nataraja, the master of the Dance. Everything has its place, every being has its function, and all take part in the divine concert, their different voices, and their very dissonances, creating, in the phrase of Heraclitus, a most beautiful harmony. Whereas in the West, cold, hard logic isolates the unusual, shutting it off from the rest of life into a definite and distinct compartment of the spirit. India, ever mindful of the natural differences in souls and in philosophies, endeavors to blend them into each other, so as to recreate in its fullest perfection the complete unity. The matching of opposites produces the true rhythm of life.
"Of course, this entire fabric of Indian life stands solidly on faith, that is to say, on a slender and emotional hypothesis. But amid all the beliefs of Europe, and of Asia, that of the Indian Brahmins seems to me infinitely the most alluring. And the reason why I love the Brahmin more than the other schools of Asiatic thought is because it seems to me to contain them all. Greater than all European philosophies, it is even capable of adjusting itself to the vast hypotheses of modern science. Our Christian religions have tried in vain, when there were no other choice open to them, to adapt themselves to the progress of science. But after having allowed myself to be swept away by the powerful rhythm of Brahmin thought, along the curve or life, with its movement of alternating ascent and return, I come back to my own century, and while finding therein the immense projections of a new cosmogony, offspring of the genius of Einstein, or deriving freely from the discoveries, I yet do not feel that I enter a strange land. I yet can hear resounding still the cosmic symphony of all those planets which forever succeed each other, are extinguished and once more illumined, with their living souls, their humanities, their gods – according to the laws of the eternal To Become, the Brahmin Samsara – I hear Siva dancing, dancing in the heart of the world, in my own heart."
The Western world, abandoning itself utterly to its search of individual and social happiness, maims and disfigures life by the very frenzy of its haste, and kills in the shell the happiness, which it pursues. Like a runaway horse who from between his blinkers sees only the blinding road before him, the average European cannot see beyond the boundaries of his individual life, or of the life of his class, or his country, or his party. In the great philosophy of Brahma, such violent turns of the scale are quite unknown. It embraces vast stretches of time, cycles of human ages, whose successive lives gravitate in concentric circles, and travel ever slowly towards the center...."
(source: The Dance of Shiva - By Dr. Ananda K Coomaraswamy – Foreword - By Romain Rolland pages xi – xv).
20. Mahatma Gandhi (1869-1948) was among India's most fervent nationalists, fighting for Indian independence from British rule. Gandhi rose to the eminence of being called “amoral genius” by no less a person than the celebrated British philosopher C. E. M Joad. (For more on Joad refer to Quotes301_320).
He was disillusioned by the hypocrisy of the Western civilization.
He denounced England's devilish acts in India, and proclaimed it as a "Satanic Power'. Then, gave the cry for the 'Quit India' movement.
While in London, Gandhi wrote: "Looking at this land, I at any rate have grown disillusioned with Western civilization. They spend, their days in luxury or in making a bare living and retire at night thoroughly exhausted. In this state of affairs, I cannot understand when they can devote themselves to prayers."
It is said that Gandhi was once asked what he thought of Western civilization, and answered that he felt it might be a good idea.
(source: (Indian Opinion: Mahatma Gandhi quoted by Judith M. Brown. 1994:5 - Modern India: The Origins of an Asian democracy).
As is clear from the Mahatma's polemic against the Christian missionaries, he was first and foremost a Hindu, who opposed all designs to destroy Hindu culture.
He claimed: "I am a proud staunch Sanatani Hindu." He took considerable pride in this self-identification. Far from being a dirty word as it would soon become even for some so-called Hindu leaders, the word "Hindu" conveyed to him all that was noble and elevating. He did not feel that he was being "communal" when he called himself a Hindu. For him Hinduism was a a vast, spiritual vision beckoning man to rise to the highest heights.
He has further stated:
"Hinduism has made marvelous discoveries in things of religion, of the spirit, of the soul. We have no eye for these great and fine discoveries. We are dazzled by the material progress that Western science has made. Ancient India has survived because Hinduism was not developed along material but spiritual lines."
"Hinduism is a relentless pursuit of Truth. "Truth is God" and if today it has become moribund, inactive, irresponsive to growth, it is because we are fatigued; and as soon as the fatigue is over, Hinduism will burst upon the world with a brilliance perhaps unknown before.”
(source: Young India, 24/11/1924 p. 390-396 and The Discovery of India - By Jawaharlal Nehru. Oxford University Press. 1995. pg 75).
"The tendency of Indian civilization is to elevate the moral being, that of the western civilization is to propagate immorality. The latter is godless, the former is based on a belief in God."
(source: Popular Hinduism: The Religion of the Masses - By L S S O'Malley p. 46).
"I believe that the civilization India has evolved is not to be beaten in the world. Nothing can equal the seeds sown by our ancestry. Rome went; Greece shared the same fate; the might of the Pharaohs was broken; Japan has become westernized; of China nothing can be said; but India is still, somehow or other, sound at the foundation."
(source: Hindu Swaraj or Indian Home Rule Chapter xiii)
This is what Gandhi wrote about the Bhagavad Gita:
"The Geeta is the universal mother. I find a solace in the Bhagavadgeeta that I miss even in the Sermon on the Mount. When disappointment stares me in the face and all alone I see not one ray of light, I go back to the Bhagavad Gita. I find a verse here and a verse there , and I immediately begin to smile in the midst of overwhelming tragedies - and my life has been full of external tragedies - and if they have left no visible or indelible scar on me, I owe it all to the teaching of Bhagavadgeeta."
About the Bhagawad-Gita, Gandhi, says: “Today the Gita is not only my Bible or my Koran, it is more than that—it is my mother... When I am in difficulty or distress I seek refuge in her bosom.”
(source: Harijan 24-8-1934).
Listen to The Bhagavad Gita podcast - By Michael Scherer -
Gandhi, the author of the Quit India movement was inspired by the teachings of Krishna in the Gita.
(source: On Secularism in India - By S Gurumurthy).
"Hinduism is a living organism liable to growth and decay subject to the laws of Nature. One and indivisible at the root, it has grown into a vast tree with innumerable branches. The changes in the season affect it. It has its autumn and its summer, its winter and its spring. It is, and is not, based on scriptures. It does not derive its authority from one book. "Non violence has found the highest expression and application in Hinduism.
(source: Hindu Dharma - By M. K. Gandhi. Chapter on Why I am a Hindu )
He considered the Bhagavad Gita as a book ' par excellence' for the knowledge of Truth (God).
Gandhi called the Gita the 'Gospel of Selfless Action'.
"India is to me the dearest country in the world, because I have discovered goodness in it. It has been subject to foreign rule, it is true. But the status of a slave is preferable to that of a slave holder."
“Hinduism is a living organism. One and indivisible at the root, it has grown into a vast tree with innumerable branches. Kno “Hinduism is a living organism. One and indivisible at the root, it has grown into a vast tree with innumerable branches. Knowledge is limitless and so also the application of truth. Everyday we add to our knowledge of the power of Atman (soul) and we shall keep on doing so.”
He was a Hindu to the core. Defining his attitude to a prominent Indian Christian, Kali Charan Banerjee (1847-1902) he said:
"I am unable to identify with orthodox Christianity. I must tell you in all humility that Hinduism, as I know it, entirely satisfies my soul, fills my whole being, and I find solace in the Bhagavad Gita and the Upanishads that I miss even in the Sermon on the Mount....I must confess to you that when doubts haunt me, when disappointments stare me in the face, and when I see not one ray of light on the horizon I turn to the Bhagavad Gita, and find a verse to comfort me; and I immediately begin to smile in the midst of overwhelming sorrow. My life has been full of external tragedies and if they have not left any visible and indelible effect on me, I owe it to the teachings of the Bhagavad Gita."
(source: The Collected Works - By M. K. Gandhi Volume 27, New Delhi, 1968 p. 434-435 and India and World Civilization - By D. P. Singhal Pan Macmillan Limited. 1993. p 258).
Gandhi wrote in his book Autobiography or the Story of My Experiments with Truth:
As "philosophically there was nothing extraordinary in Christian principles" no one, much less a Hindu, would ever give it a second look.
(source: Christian Conversions and abuse of Religious Freedom in India - By Brahm Datt Bharti p. 20).
Mahatma Gandhi told Romain Rolland in Switzerland on his way back to India from the Round Table Conference (1911) that Christianity is an echo of the Indian religion and Islam is the re-echo of that echo."
(source: India in Primitive Christianity - By Arthur Lillie).
" I have no other wish in this world but to find light and joy and peace through Hinduism."
(source: Outlines of Hinduism - By T. M. P. Mahadevan - p. foreword).
wledge is limitless and so also the application of truth. Everyday we add to our knowledge of the power of Atman (soul) and we shall keep on doing so.”
He was a Hindu to the core. Defining his attitude to a prominent Indian Christian, Kali Charan Banerjee (1847-1902) he said:
"I am unable to identify with orthodox Christianity. I must tell you in all humility that Hinduism, as I know it, entirely satisfies my soul, fills my whole being, and I find solace in the Bhagavad Gita and the Upanishads that I miss even in the Sermon on the Mount....I must confess to you that when doubts haunt me, when disappointments stare me in the face, and when I see not one ray of light on the horizon I turn to the Bhagavad Gita, and find a verse to comfort me; and I immediately begin to smile in the midst of overwhelming sorrow. My life has been full of external tragedies and if they have not left any visible and indelible effect on me, I owe it to the teachings of the Bhagavad Gita."
(source: The Collected Works - By M. K. Gandhi Volume 27, New Delhi, 1968 p. 434-435 and India and World Civilization - By D. P. Singhal Pan Macmillan Limited. 1993. p 258).
Gandhi wrote in his book Autobiography or the Story of My Experiments with Truth:
As "philosophically there was nothing extraordinary in Christian principles" no one, much less a Hindu, would ever give it a second look.
(source: Christian Conversions and abuse of Religious Freedom in India - By Brahm Datt Bharti p. 20).
Mahatma Gandhi told Romain Rolland in Switzerland on his way back to India from the Round Table Conference (1911) that Christianity is an echo of the Indian religion and Islam is the re-echo of that echo."
(source: India in Primitive Christianity - By Arthur Lillie).
" I have no other wish in this world but to find light and joy and peace through Hinduism."
(source: Outlines of Hinduism - By T. M. P. Mahadevan - p. foreword).
If all The Upanishads and all the other scriptures happened all of a sudden to be reduced to ashes, and if only the first verse in the Ishopanishad were left in the memory of the Hindus, Hinduism would live for ever."
(source: The Upanishads Translated for the Modern Reader By Eknath Easwaran. Nilgiri Press. 1987. pg 205).
Gandhi has written: "The Gita "struck me as one of priceless worth."
(source: The Collected Works of Mahatma Gandhi Volume 39 New Delhi 1970 p. 32)
Gandhi was a proud and combative Hindu, his first and foremost loyalty was towards Hindu society and Hinduism, says Koenraad Elst in his book Negationism in India: Concealing the Record of Islam p. 84).
'The Bhagavad Gita is my mother,' he once said; and the name of Sri Rama was his shield.'
He accords the highest honor to Hindu scriptures - the Vedas, the Upanishads, the Puranas, the Gita, the Mahabharata, the Ramayan, the Bhagavata. He defends the "much-maligned Brahman" and entertains " not a shadow of doubt" that "if Brahmanism does not revive, Hinduism will perish".
He upholds the "spirit behind idol-worship" and is prepared "to defend with my life the thousands of holy temples which sanctify this land." For him cow protection "is the dearest possession of the Hindu heart" and "no one who does not believe in cow-protection can possibly be a Hindu." The sacred thread has "deep meaning for him" as it is "the sign of the second birth, that is spiritual." He says that varnashrama is "inherent in human nature, and Hinduism has simply made a science of it."
(source: Hindu Dharma - By M. K. Gandhi p. 7-374).
"What the divine author of the Mahabharata said of his great creation is equally true of Hinduism. Whatever of substance is contained in any other religion is always to be found in Hinduism, and what is not contained in it is insubstantial or unnecessary."
(source: Young India 27-9-1925).
"Hinduism insists on the brotherhood of not only all mankind but of all that lives."
(source: Harijan 28-3-1936).
"Hinduism is like the Ganga,, pure and unsullied at its source but taking in its course the impurities in the way. Even like the Ganga it is beneficent in its total effect. It takes a provincial form in every province, but the inner substance is retained everywhere."
" On examination, I have found it to be the most tolerant of all
religions known to me. Its freedom from dogma makes a forcible appeal to me
inasmuch as it gives the votary the largest scope for self-expression." He saw no reason to
for changing his belief or his religion. He found it impossible "to
believe that I could go to heaven or attain salvation only by becoming a
Christian." "Philosophically there was nothing extraordinary in
Christian principles. From the point of view of sacrifice, it seemed that the
Hindus greatly surpassed Christians. It was impossible for me to regard
Christianity as a perfect religion or the greatest of all
(source: The Collected Works of Mahatma Gandhi Volume 34 New Delhi 1970 p.112- 261).
London Times editorial said on the day after his death: "No country but India and no religion but Hinduism could have given birth to a Gandhi."
(source: India and World Civilization - By D. P. Singhal Pan Macmillan Limited. 1993. p. 258).
"Hindu Dharma is like a boundless ocean teeming with priceless gems. The deeper you dive the more treasures you find."
(source: The Essence of Hinduism - By M. K. Gandhi p. 205).
"Hinduism is like Ganga, pure and unsullied at its source, but taking in its course the impurities in the way".
(source: Non-Renunciation: Themes and Interpretations of Hindu Culture - By T. N. Madan)
He affirmed, again, and again not only the fundamentals of Hindu spirituality but also the framework of Hindu culture and social life. He valued "the spirit behind idol-worship" and declared his determination "to defend with my life the thousands of holy temples which sanctify this land of ours."
"Cow-protection is an article of faith in Hinduism. Apart from its religious sanctity, it is an ennobling creed. Cow protection is the dearest possession of the Hindu heart. It is the one concrete belief common to all Hindus. No on who does not believe in cow-protection can possibly be called a Hindu. It is a noble belief. I endorse every word of what Prof. Vaswani has said in praise of the cow. For me the cow is the personification of innocence. Cow protection means that protection of the weak and helpless."
(source: Hindu Dharma - By M. K. Gandhi p. 108-18). For more on Gandhi refer to The Story of my Experiments with Truth).
"I bow my head in reverence to our ancestors for their sense of the beautiful in nature and for their foresight in investing beautiful manifestations of Nature with a religious significance."
(source: Glimpses of Indian Culture - By Dr. Giriraj Shah p. 106).
Thoreau and Gandhi both believed in non-violence, had religious temperament, were vegetarians, and admired the teachings of the Bhagavad Gita. The appreciated poverty and lived the simple life. Webb Miller in his book I found no peace p. 240, wrote: “Gandhi received back from America what was fundamentally the philosophy of India after it had been distilled and crystallized in the mind of Thoreau.” The nationalist movement of Congress, and its political vision of a free India, was as thoroughly suffused with the spirit of Hinduism. Nationalism and religion were thus allied in Gandhi's teachings. Gandhi found the substance of India's life in Hinduism. His political vocabulary of Ram rajya, ahimsa, satyagraha, swaraj, bharat mata, swadeshi etc. He passionately rejected the British project of Westernizing India.
(source: Hindu Scriptures and American Transcendentalists - By Umesh Patri p 98 -135 and Dharma, India and the World Order - By Chaturved Badrinath p. 166 -169).
"When we read with attention the poetical and philosophical monuments of the East--above all, those of India, which are beginning to spread in Europe--we discover there many a truth, and truths so profound, and which make such a contrast with the meanness of the results at which European genius has sometimes stopped, that we are constrained to bend the knee before the philosophy of the East, and to see in this cradle of the human race the native land of the highest philosophy."
(source: Is India Civilized: Essays on Indian Culture - By Sir John Woodroffe p. 132).
He has observed:
“The history of Indian philosophy is the abridge history of the philosophy of
the world.”
(source: The Bible in India: Hindoo origin of Hebrew and Christian
revelation - By Louis Jacolliot
p 9).
" India contains
the whole history of philosophy in a nutshell."(source: India And Her People - By Swami Abhedananda p 11-12).
10. Jules Michelet (1798 -1874) French writer and the greatest historian of the Romantic school said:
"At its starting point in India, the birthplace of races and religions, the womb of the world."
While seeking for the wisdom of ages, he cried at the commencement of his work, “The Bible of Humanity”: “The year 1863 will remain dear and blessed to me.” Why? Because he had read India’s sacred poem, the Ramayana.
"Divine poem, ocean of milk!"
cried Michelet on discovering this ancient Scripture.
In what moving terms he then wrote about India. We can but transcribe his burning words:
“Each year, it is necessary to respire, to take breath again, to revive ourselves at the great living sources that forever keep their eternal freshness. Where can we find them if not at the cradle of our race, on the sacred summits from where descend the Indus and the Ganga....?
(source: The Fragrance of India : landmarks for the world of tomorrow - By Louis Revel p. 16 Kitabistan Allahabad 1946).
Having read Fauche's translation of the Ramayana in 1863, Michelet said:
"That year will always remain a dear and cherished memory; it was the first time I had the opportunity to read the great sacred poem of India, the divine Ramayana. If anyone has lost the freshness of emotion, let him drink a long draught of life, and youth from that deep chalice."
(source: India and World Civilization - By D. P. Singhal Pan Macmillan Limited. 1993. Part II p. 213).
This is what Michelet said of the Ramayana:
"Whoever has done or willed too much let him drink from this deep cup a long draught of life and youth........Everything is narrow in the West - Greece is small and I stifle; Judea is dry and I pant. Let me look toward lofty Asia, and the profound East for a little while. There lies my great poem, as vast as the Indian ocean, blessed, gilded with the sun, the book of divine harmony wherein is no dissonance. A serene peace reigns there, and in the midst of conflict an infinite sweetness, a boundless fraternity, which spreads over all living things, an ocean (without bottom or bound) of love, of pity, of clemency."
Such was the first and enduring impression made on Michelet by the Ramayana.
(source: Philosophy of Hinduism - An Introduction - An Introduction By T. C. Galav Universal Science-Religion. p 149. The Fragrance of India : landmarks for the world of tomorrow - By Louis Revel p. 16 Kitabistan Allahabad 1946).
" From India comes to us a torrent of light, a river of Right and Reason" ......
(source: Arise O' India - By Francois Gautier ISBN 81-241-0518-9 Har-Anand Publications 2000. p. 25).
" Whereas, in our Occident, the most dry and sterile minds brag in front of Nature, the Indian genius, the most rich and fecund of all, knows neither small nor big and has generously embraced universal fraternity, even the identity of all souls."
(source: La Bible de l'Humanite in OEuvres - By Louis Michelet (Paris : Larousse, 1930, vol. 5, p)
11. Francois Marie Arouet Voltaire (1694-1774) France's greatest writers and philosophers, was a theist, and a bitter critic of the Church, which he looked upon as the instigator of cruelty, injustice, and inequality. No wonder that Voltaire, who strongly opposed the Church's totalitarian grip over men's lives, and may count as one of the ideologues of secularism, mentioned the religions of India and China as a model of how religion could be a free exploration by the individual. He said :
"We have shown how much we (Europeans) surpass the Indians in courage and wickedness, and how inferior to them we are in wisdom. Our European nations have mutually destroyed themselves in this land where we only go in search of money, while the first Greeks traveled to the same land only to instruct themselves."
Voltaire concluded, " I am convinced that everything has come down to us from the banks of the Ganga (Ganges), - astronomy, astrology, metempsychosis, etc."
" It is very important to note that some 2,500 years ago at the least Pythagoras went from Samos to the Ganga (Ganges) to learn geometry...But he would certainly not have undertaken such a strange journey had the reputation of the Brahmins' science not been long established in Europe..."
(source: The Invasion That Never Was - By Michel Danino and Sujata Nahar p. 12 - 13 and 18 and 90 - 91).
Refer to Voltaire, Lettres sur l'origine des sciences et sur celle des peuples de l'Asia (first published Paris, 1777), letter of 15 December 1775. and Voltaire, Fragments historiques sur l'linde, p. 444 - 445.
Voltaire (Fragments relating to some revolutions in India), spoke of the Hindus as "a peaceful and innocent people, equally incapable of hurting others or of defending themselves."
(source: Is India Civilized - Essays on Indian Culture - By Sir John Woodroffe p. 36).
He found that India was the home of religion in its oldest and purest form. He described India as a country "on which all other countries had to rely, but which did not rely on anyone else." He also believed that Christianity derived from Hinduism. He wrote to and assured Fredrick the Great of Prussia that "our holy Christian religion is solely based upon the ancient religion of Brahma."
(source: On Hinduism Reviews and Reflections - By Ram Swarup p. 101-102).
It is in such a context, that a man like Voltaire considered India "famous for its laws and sciences" and deplored the mounting European preoccupation (both individual and national) of those in India with the amassing of "immense fortunes." This quest for riches intensified the struggles, plunder, etc. during his own time, and made him remark that "If the Indians had remained unknown to the Tartars and to us, they would have been the happiest people in the world."
(source: Indian Science and Technology in the Eighteenth Century: Some Contemporary European Accounts - By Dharampal Impex India. p. LXIII).
Voltaire among others held up Hinduism as an example of a natural deistic religion with a pedigree much older than that of Judeo-Christianity.
(source: Oriental Enlightenment: The encounter between Asian and Western thought - By J. J. Clarke)
12. Will Durant (1885-1981) American historian, would like the West to learn from India, tolerance and gentleness and love for all living things:
"It is true that even across the Himalayan barrier India has sent to us such questionable gifts as grammar and logic, philosophy and fables, hypnotism and chess, and above all our numerals and our decimal system. But these are not the essence of her spirit; they are trifles compared to what we may learn from her in the future."
"Perhaps in return for conquest, arrogance and spoliation, India will teach us the tolerance and gentleness of the mature mind, the quiet content of the unacquisitive soul, the calm of the understanding spirit, and a unifying, a pacifying love for all living things."
(source: Philosophy of Hinduism - An Introduction - By T. C. Galav Universal Science-Religion. p 20).
He has noted in his book, The Case for India:
"India was the motherland of our race, and Sanskrit the mother of Europe's languages: she was the mother of our philosophy; mother, through the Arabs, of much of our mathematics; mother, through the Buddha, of the ideals embodied in Christianity; mother, through the village community, of self-government and democracy. Mother India is in many ways the mother of us all." Nothing should more deeply shame the modern student than the recency and inadequacy of his acquaintance with India....This is the India that patient scholarship is now opening up like a new intellectual continent to that Western mind which only yesterday thought civilization an exclusive Western thing."
"As flowing rivers disappear in the sea, losing their name and form, thus a wise man, freed from name and form, goes to the divine person who is beyond all." Such a theory of life and death will not please Western man, whose religion is as permeated with individualism as are his political and economic institutions. But it has satisfied the philosophical Hindu mind with astonishing continuity.
Durant felt that
"Even in Europe and America, this wistful theosophy has won millions upon millions of followers, from lonely women and tired men to Schopenhauer and Emerson. Who would have thought that the great American philosopher of individualism would give perfect expression to the Hindu conviction in his poem 'Brahma', that individuality is a delusion? "
He wrote this about the Upanishads, and how they had begun to stir Western thought:
"They are the oldest extant philosophy and psychology of our race; the surprisingly subtle and patient effort of man to understand the mind and the world, and their relation. The Upanishads are as old as Homer, and as modern as Kant."
“But hardly had the British established themselves in India before editions and translations of the Upanishads began to stir Western thought. Fichte conceived an idealism strangely like Shankara’s; Schopenhauer almost incorporated Buddhism, the Upanishads and the Vedanta into his philosophy; and Schelling, in his old age, thought the Upanishads the maturest wisdom of mankind. Nietzsche had dwelt too long with Bismark and the Greeks to care for India , but in the end he valued above all other ideas his haunting notion of eternal recurrence – a variant of reincarnation.”
(source: Story of Civilization: Our Oriental Heritage - By Will Durant MJF Books. 1935. p 410 - 415 and 554).
Durant truly one of the most recognized historians in the world, has remarked on the universal applicability of the Vedanta paradigm.
13. Aldous Huxley (1894-1963) the English novelist and essayist, born into a family that included some of the most distinguished members of the English ruling class, says that the Gita is for the whole world. He is one of those who enriched the West greatly with the wisdom f the East.
Author of several books including Brave New World and The Doors of Perception and Heaven and Hell and The Perennial Philosophy, he observed:
"The Bhagavad-Gita is the most systematic statement of spiritual evolution of endowing value to mankind. The Gita is one of the clearest and most comprehensive summaries of the spiritual thoughts ever to have been made."
Hence Huxley thought its enduring value, not only for Indians, but for all mankind."
(source: Philosophy of Hinduism - An Introduction - By T. C. Galav Universal Science-Religion. p 65).
In his latest books, Eyeless in Gaza and Ends and Means, Aldous Huxley invites our attention to the discipline essential for spiritual insight and argues for the acceptance of the Yoga method. The influence of Indian thought is not so much a model to be copied as a dye which permeates.
(source: Eastern Religions and Western Thought - By Dr. S. Radhakrishnan p 250).
He observed that while historical religions have been violent, eternity-philosophies like "Hinduism and Buddhism have never been persecuting faiths, have preached almost no holy wars and have refrained from that proselytizing religious imperialism, which have gone hand in hand with the political and economic oppression of the colored people."
(source: On Hinduism Reviews and Reflections - By Ram Swarup p. 149).
"The Gita occupies an intermediate position between scripture and theology, for it contains the poetical qualities of the first with the clear-cut methodicalness of the second."
(source: India's Empire of Mind - By Sudhansu Bimal Mookherji p. 93).
Huxley wrote in his book - The Perennial philosophy
"The religions whose theology is least preoccupied with events in time and most concerned with eternity, have been consistently less violent and more humane in political practice. Unlike early Judaism, Christianity and Mohammedanism (all obsessed with time) Hinduism and Buddhism have never been persecuting faiths, have preached almost no holy wars and have refrained from that proselytizing religious imperialism which has gone hand in hand with political and economic oppression of colored people."
(source: The Perennial philosophy - By Aldous Huxley p. 194 - 204).
In his book, Perennial philosophy, (an alternate translation of the Hindu name for their tradition, Sanatana Dharma) Huxley indeed gives due respect to Hinduism, Buddhism and Taoism stating clearly that History centric religions indeed are driven by conquest mentality and hence potential for violence exists all the time because of “ Market share “ and conversion mentality.
"The Perennial Philosophy is expressed most succinctly in the Sanskrit formula, tat tvam asi ('That art thou'); the Atman, or immanent eternal Self, is one with Brahman, the Absolute Principle of all existence; and the last end of every human being, is to discover the fact for himself, to find out who he really is."
(source: The Complete Idiot's Guide to Hinduism - By Linda Johnsen )
14. Alfred North Whitehead (1861-1947), British mathematician, logician and philosopher best known for his work in mathematical logic and who, in collaboration with Bertrand Russell, authored the landmark three-volume Principia Mathematica (1910, 1912, 1913).
Whitehead is reported to have remarked:
" Vedanta is the most impressive metaphysics the human mind has conceived."
(source: Huston Smith: Essays on World Religion edited by M. Darrrol Bryant Paragon House 1992 p 135).
15. Joseph Campbell (1904-1987) was one of the foremost interpreters of myth in our time. Campbell was a prolific writer, dedicated editor, beloved teacher, inspiring lecturer, and an avid scholar of spiritual and cultural development. He is the author of several books including A Hero with Thousand faces
"It is ironic that our great western civilization, which has opened to the minds of all mankind the infinite wonders of a universe of untold billions of galaxies should be saddled with the tightest little cosmological image known to mankind? The Hindus with their grandiose Kalpas and their ideas of the divine power which is beyond all human category (male or female). Not so alien to the imagery of modern science that it could not have been put to acceptable use."
(source: Myths to Live By - By Joseph Campbell. A Bantam Book 1988. p 90).
"The first principle of Indian thought, therefore, is that the ultimate reality is beyond description. It is something that can be experienced only by bringing the mind to a stop; and once experienced, it cannot be described to anyone in terms of the forms of this world. The truth, the ultimate truth, that is to say, is transcendent. it goes past, transcends, all speech all images, anything that can possibly be said. But, as we have just seen, it is not only transcendent, it is also immanent, within all things, Everything in the world, therefore, is to be regarded as its manifestation. There is an important difference her between the Indian and the Western ideas.
"There is an important difference between the Hindu and the Western ideas. In the Biblical tradition, God creates man, but man cannot say that he is divine in the same sense that the Creator is, where as in Hinduism, all things are incarnations of that power. We are the sparks from a single fire. And we are all fire. Hinduism believes in the omnipresence of the Supreme God in every individual. There is no "fall". Man is not cut off from the divine. He requires only to bring the spontaneous activity of his mind stuff to a state of stillness and he will experience that divine principle with him."
(source: Philosophy of Hinduism - An Introduction - By T C Galav Universal Science-Religion. p 19 and Joseph Campbell Foundation).
"There is an illuminating story told of the deity Krishna, who, in the form of a human child, was raised among a little company or tribe of herdsmen. One day he said to them, when he saw them preparing to worship one of the great Gods of the Brahminical pantheon: "But why do you worship a deity in the sky? The support of your life is here, in your cattle. Worship these! " Whereupon, they hung garlands around the necks of their cattle and paid them worship. This wonderful art of recognizing the divine presence in all things, as a ubiquitous presence, is one of the most striking features of Oriental life, and is particularly prominent in Hinduism."
'I have seen very simple people out in the country, climbing a hill, who, when they became tired and paused to rest and eat, set up a stone, poured red paint around it, and then reverently placed flowers before it. The pouring of the red paint set that stone apart. The idea was simply that those people were now going to regard it, not as a stone, but as a manifestation of the divine principle that it is immanent in all things. The pouring of the red paint and placing of the flowers were typical acts of Bhakti, Devotional Yoga: simple devices, readily available to anyone, to shift the focus of the mind from the phenomenal aspect of the object as a mere stone to its mystery of a miracle of being. And this popular form of yoga, no less than the very much sterner and more difficult discipline of Patanjali's Yoga Sutras, to which I first alluded, is a technique to link consciousness to the ultimate truth: the mystery of being. The sense of the whole universe as a manifestation of the radiance of God and of yourself as likewise of that radiance, and the assurance that this is so, no matter what things may look like, round about, is the key to the wisdom of India..."
(source: Joseph Campbell Foundation).
Joseph Campbell, traveled widely in India and was a good friend of Hindu teacher J. Krishnamurti. He also assisted in the translation of one of the greatest classics of modern times, The Gospel of Sri Ramakrishna. At one point, he admitted that discovering the Mandukya Upanishad affected him more profoundly than the beginning of the World War II.
(source: Hinduism - By Linda Johnsen )
16. Sir Monier Monier-Williams (1819-1899) Indologist and head of the Oxford's Boden Chair said:
"The strength of Hinduism lies in its infinite adaptability to the infinite diversity of human character and human tendencies. It has its highly spiritual and abstract side suited to the philosopher, its practical to the man of the world, its aesthetic and ceremonial side attuned to the man of the poetic feeling and imagination; and its quiescent contemplative aspect that has its appeal for the man of peace and the lover of seclusion."
The Hindus, according to him, were Spinozists more than 2,000 years before the advent of Spinoza, and Darwinians many centuries before Darwin and Evolutionists many centuries before the doctrine of Evolution was accepted by scientists of the present age.
"I have found no people in Europe more religious, none more patiently persevering in common duties."
(source: Indian Culture and the Modern Age - By Dewan Bahadur K. S. Ramaswami Sastri Annamalai University. 1956 p.22).
"Starting from the Vedas, Hinduism has ended in embracing something from all religions, and in presenting phases suited to all minds. It is all tolerant, all-compliant, all-comprehensive, all-absorbing."
The following passages about the Hindu Epics (Ramayana and Mahabharata) are noteworthy for their beauty and for their insight:
"It must be admitted, however, that, in exhibiting pictures of domestic life and manners, the Sanskrit epics are even more true and real than the Greek and Roman. In the delineation of women the Hindu poet thrown aside all exaggerated coloring and drawn from nature - Kaikeyi, Kausalya, Mandodari (favorite wife of Ravana), and even the humble-backed Manthara are all drawn to the very life. Sita, Draupadi, and Damayanti engage our affections and our interest for more than Helen or even Penelope. Indeed Hindu wives are generally perfect patterns of conjugal fidelity; can it be doubted that, in these delightful portraits of the Pativrata or purity and simplicity of Hindu domestic manners in early times."
"Indeed, in depicting scenes of domestic affection, and expressing those universal feelings and emotions which belong to human nature in all time and in all places, Sanskrit epic poetry is unrivalled even by Greek Epics.....In the Indian epics, such passages abound, and besides giving a very high idea of the purity and happiness of domestic life in ancient India, indicate a capacity in Hindu woman for the discharge of the most sacred and important social duties."
"Yet there are not wanting indications in the Indian Epics of a higher degree of civilization than that represented in the Homeric poems. The battlefields of the Ramayana and Mahabharata,......are not made barbarously wanton cruelties; and the description of Ayodhya and Lanka imply far greater luxury and refinement than those of Sparta and Troy."
"He (Rama) is the type of a perfect husband, son, and brother. Sita also rises in character far above Helen and even above Penelope, both in her sublime devotion and loyalty to her husband, and her indomitable patience and endurance under suffering and may be affirmed generally that the whole tone of the Ramayana is certainly above that of the Iliad."
(source: Eminent Orientalists: Indian European American - Asian Educational Services. p. 153-157).
In the words of Monier Williams, India is 'in all respects a complete world in itself'.
(source: India Through the Ages - By Madan Gopal - under details).
"It may be with truth be asserted that no description of Hinduism can be exhaustive which does not touch on almost every religious and philosophical idea that the world has ever known. It is all-tolerant, all-comprehensive, all-compliant, all-absorbing. It has its spiritual and its material aspect; it’s esoteric and exoteric; it’s subjective and objective; it’s rational and irrational. It has one side for the practical; another for the severely moral; another for the devotional and the imaginative; another for the philosophical and speculative."
Sir Monier-Williams, in his Brahmanism and Hinduism : or, Religious thought and life in India, as based on the Veda and other sacred books of the Hindus , declares:
"Indeed, if I may be allowed the anachronism, the Hindus were Spinozites more than two thousand years before the existence of Spinoza; and Darwinians may centuries before Darwin; and evolutionists many centuries before the doctrine of evolution had been accepted by the scientists of our time, and before any word like 'evolution' existed in any language of the world."
(source: India And Her People - By Swami Abhedananda - p.16)
He said that Pythagoras and Plato both believed in this doctrine, and that they were indebted for it to Hindu writers.
(source: Indian Wisdom - By Sir M. Monier Williams p. 68).
About the Niti Shastras he says: " Anyone who studies the best Hindu writings cannot but be struck by the moral tone which everywhere pervades them...constantly represent the present condition of human life as the result of actions in the previous existence. Hence a right course of present conduct becomes an all-important consideration as bearing on future happiness...."
Sir Monier Williams
says that whatever conclusions we form as to the source of the first
astronomical ideas in the world it is probable that we owe to the Hindus the
invention of algebra and its application to astronomy and geometry. And that
from them the Arabs received the numerical symbols and decimal notation, which
now used everywhere in Europe have rendered untold services to the cause of
And again: “The
motions of the sun and moon were carefully observed by the Hindus and with such
success that their determination of the moon’s synodical revolution is a much
more correct one than the Greeks ever achieved. They introduced the period of
Jupiter with those of the sun and moon into the regulation of their calendar in
the form of sixty years common to them and the Chaldeans. They were keenly
interested in logic and grammar, and in medicine and surgery they once kept
pace with the most enlightened people of the world.”
(source: The Story of Oriental Philosophy - By L. Adams Beck p.
10 - 13). He wrote about Sanskrit:
"The Panini grammar reflects the wondrous capacity of the human brain, which till today no other country has been able to produce except India."
(source: Hindu Superiority - By Har Bilas Sarda).
17. Friedrich
Maximilian Müeller (1823-1900) German philologist and
Orientalist. He repeatedly drew attention to the uniqueness of the Vedas and
awakened interest in Indology among educated people. He did more than any other
scholar to popularize philology and mythology, e.g., his lectures Science of
Language.Muller is best known for his series Sacred Books of the East.
He wrote:
"If I were asked under what sky the human mind has most fully developed some of its choicest gifts, has most deeply pondered over the greatest problems of life, and has found solutions of some of them which well deserve the attention even of those who have studied Plato and Kant, I should point to India." And if I were to ask myself from what literature we who have been nurtured almost exclusively on the thoughts of Greeks and Romans, and of the Semitic race, the Jewish, may draw the corrective which is most wanted in order to make our inner life more perfect, more comprehensive, more universal, in fact more truly human a life...again I should point to India."
(source: The World's Religions - By Huston Smith. Harper San Francisco. 1991 p 12).
"I maintain that for everybody who cares for himself, for his ancestors, for his history, for his intellectual development, a study of Vedic literature is indispensable ".
"The Upanishads are the.....sources of .....the Vedanta philosophy, a system in which human speculation seems to me to have reached its very acme." "I spend my happiest hours in reading Vedantic books. They are to me like the light of the morning, like the pure air of the mountains - so simple, so true, if once understood."
(source: Philosophy of Hinduism - An Introduction - By T. C. Galav Universal Science-Religion. p 19).
Muller said of Schopenhauer's well known saying - "in the whole world there is no study so beneficial and so elevating as the Upanishad. It has been the solace of my death" "If these words of Schopenhauer required any endorsement I should willingly give it as the result of my own experience during a long life devoted to the study of many philosophies and many religions."
(source: Is India Civilized? - Essays on Indian Culture - By Sir John Woodroffe Ganesh & Co. Publishers 1922. p. 133 - 134)
"The conception of the world as deduced from the Veda, and chiefly from the Upanishads, is indeed astounding."
(source: The Six Systems of Indian Philosophy - By Max Muller (London: Longmans, Green & Co., 1916 p. xiv).
"The transcendent temperament acquired, no doubt, a more complete supremacy in the Indian character than anywhere else."
In History of Ancient Sanskrit Literature (p 557), Max Muller observed, "In the Rig Veda we shall have before us more real antiquity than in all the inscriptions of Egypt or Ninevah...the Veda is the oldest book in existence.."
"Historical records (of the Hindus) extend in some respects so far beyond all records and have been preserved to us in such perfect and legible documents, that we can learn from them lessons which we can learn nowhere else and supply missing links."
(source: India - What It Can Teach Us - By Max Muller p. 21).
"The Vedic literature opens to us a chamber in the education of human race to which we can find no parallel anywhere else. Whoever cares for the historical growth of our language and thought, whoever cares for the first intelligent development of religion and mythology, whoever cares for the first foundation of Science, Astronomy, Metronomy, Grammar and Etymology, whoever cares for the first intimation of the first philosophical thoughts, for the first attempt at regulating family life, village life and state life as founded on religion, ceremonials, traditions and contact must in future pay full attention to the study of Vedic literature."
(source: Hinduism: The Eternal Religion - By M. D. Chaturvedi p.12-13)
"The whole of their (Hindu) literature, from one end to the other, is pervaded by expression of love and reverence for truth.'
(source: Popular Hinduism: The Religion of the Masses - By L S S O'Malley p. 82).
He declared: "None of our philosophers, not excepting Heraclitus, Plato, Kant, or Hegel, has ventured to erect such a spire, never frightened by storms or lightnings. Stone follows on stone, in regular succession after once the first step has been made, after once it has been clearly seen that in the beginning there can have been but One, as there will be but One in the end, whether we call it Atman or Brahman."
(source: The Six Systems of Indian Philosophy - By Max F. Muller p. 239).
Muller says that from Indian literature the Christian world "may draw that corrective which is most wanted in order to make our inner life more perfect, more comprehensive, more universal, in fact more truly humane, a life not for this only, but a transfigured and eternal life."
(source: India - What It Can Teach Us - By Max Muller p. 6).
In Three Lectures on Vedanta Philosophy published in 1896, Muller writes: "What distinguishes the Vedanta philosophy from all other philosophies is that it is at the same time a religion and a philosophy." (p 11-12).
About the love of truth experienced by the sages of the Upanishads, Prof. Max Muller says, " If it seems strange to you that the old Indian Philosophers should have known more about the soul than Greek or medieval or modern philosophers, let us remember that however much the telescopes for observing the stars of heaven have been improved, the observatories of the soul have remained much the same."
He went on to say: "It is surely astounding that such a system as the Vedanta should have been slowly elaborated by the indefatigable and intrepid thinkers of India thousands of years ago, a system that even now makes us feel giddy, as in mounting last steps of the swaying spire of a Gothic cathedral. None of our philosophers, not excepting Heraclitus, Plato, Kant or Hegel, has ventured to erect such a spire, never frightened by storms or lighting. Stone follows on stone after regular succession after once the first step has been made, after once it has been clearly seen that in the beginning there can have been One, as there will be but One in the end, whether we call it Atman or Brahman."
(source: Three Lectures on the Vedanta Philosophy, London. 1894. p. 7).
Prof Max Mueller, an authority on ancient India, says: "I do not deny that the manly vigor, the public spirit and the private virtues of the citizens of European states represent one side of the human destiny." But, surely, he asserts, "there is another side to our nature and possibly another destiny open to man."
And he points to India, "Where the climate was mild and the soil fertile." He asks: "Was it not, I say, natural then, that another side of human nature should be developed — not the active, the combative and acquisitive, but the passive, the meditative and reflective?"
"If philosophy is meant to be a preparation for a happy death, or Euthanisia, I know of no better preparation for it than the Vedanata philosophy."
(source: India And Her People - By Swami Abhedananda p.234).
"Whatever sphere of the human mind you may select for your special study, whether it be language, or religion, or mythology, or philosophy, whether it be law or customs, primitive art or primitive science, everywhere you have to go to India, whether you like it or not, because some of the most valuable and instructive materials of the history of man are treasured up in India and India only."
(source: Yoga: A Vision of its Future - By Gopi Krishna p. 119).
"The Hindus," says Max Muller, "were a people remarkably gifted for philosophical abstraction."
(source: Hindu Superiority - By Har Bilas Sarda p. 276).
"The earliest of these Upanishads will always maintain a place in the philosophic literature of the world among the most astounding products of the human mind."
(source: Hinduism Invades America - by Wendell Thomas p. 240 published by The Beacon Press Inc. New York City 1930).
18. Count Hermann Keyserling (1880-1946) philosopher, author, public speaker. He is the first Western thinker to conceive and promote a planetary culture, beyond nationalism and cultural ethnocentrism, based on recognition of the equal value and validity of non-western cultures and philosophies. Keyserling founded the School of Wisdom in Darmstadt, Germany in 1920 based on the original Schools of Wisdom which prospered over two thousand years ago in Northern India.
Keyserling was much impressed with the metaphysical profundity of India. He used Indian thought to measure European standards of conduct and morality. The influence of Keyserling on the European intelligentsia after World War I, especially in Germany was deep but short-lived. Germany shattered from the disastrous war, had returned its attention towards India for solace and new inspiration as is indicated by the publication of innumerable novels and poems with a predominantly Asian background.
(source: India and World Civilization - By D. P. Singhal Pan Macmillan Limited. 1993. p 240).
"I have not found in Europe or America, poets, thinkers or popular leaders equal, or even comparable, to those of India today."
(source: The Discovery of India - By Jawaharlal Nehru Oxford University Press. 1995. p 89).
"Hinduism at its best has spoken the only relevant truth about the way to self-realization in the full sense of the word.'
(source: Huston Smith: Essays on World Religion - edited by M. Darrrol Bryant Paragon House 1992 p 29-30).
India, says Keyserling,
“has produced the profoundest metaphysics that we know of ” and he speaks of “ the absolute superiority of India over the West in philosophy; poetry from the Mahabharata, containing the Bhagavad-Gita, “perhaps the most beautiful work of the literature of the world.”
source: The Case for India - By Will Durant Simon and Schuster, New York. 1930 p.6).
Count Keyserling, who left Europe shortly before World War I to journey around the world, wrote an account of the city of Banaras:
"Benares is holy. Europe, grown superficial, hardly understands such truths anymore.....I feel nearer here than I have ever done to the heart of the world; here I feel everyday as if soon, perhaps even today, I would receive the grace of supreme revelation...The atmosphere of devotion which hangs above the river is improbable in strength; stronger than in any church that I have ever visited. Every would be Christian priest would do well to sacrifice a year of his theological studies in order to spend his time on the Ganga; here he would discover what piety means."
(source: Banaras: City of Light - By Diana L Eck p. 17).
19. Romain Rolland (1866-1944) French Nobel laureate, professor of the history of music at the Sorbonne and thinker. He authored a book on the Life of Ramakrishna
This is what he said about India: "If there is one place on the face of the earth where all the dreams of living men have found a home from the very earliest days when man began the dream of existence, it is India....For more than 30 centuries, the tree of vision, with all its thousand branches and their millions of twigs, has sprung from this torrid land, the burning womb of the Gods. It renews itself tirelessly showing no signs of decay."
"Let us return to our eagle's nest in the Himalayas. It is waiting for us, for it is ours, eaglets of Europe, we need not renounce any part of our real nature...whence we formerly took our flight."
(source: Philosophy of Hinduism - An Introduction - By T. C. Galav Universal Science-Religion. p 20).
"Religious faith in the case of the Hindus has never been allowed to run counter to scientific laws, moreover the former is never made a condition for the knowledge they teach, but there are always scrupulously careful to take into consideration the possibility that by reason both the agnostic and atheist may attain truth in their own way. Such tolerance may be surprising to religious believers in the West, but it is an integral part of Vedantic belief."
Romain Rolland thought: "The true Vedantic spirit does not start out with a system of preconceived ideas. It possesses absolute liberty and unrivalled courage among religions with regard to the facts to be observed and the diverse hypotheses it has laid down for their coordination. Never having been hampered by a priestly order, each man has been entirely free to search wherever he pleased for the spiritual explanation of the spectacle of the universe."
He points outs out that "a hundred facts testify to how great an extent the East (India) was mingled with Hellenic thought during the second century of our era."
(source: Romain Rolland has given a long Note as an appendix to his book on Vivekananda - 'On the Hellenic-Christian Mysticism of the First Centuries and its Relationship to Hindu Mysticism.').
He wrote: "The greatest human ideal is the great cause of bringing together the thoughts of Europe and Asia; the great soul of India will topple our world."
(source: The Genius of India - By Guy Sorman (Le Genie de l'Inde) Macmillan India Ltd. 2001. ISBN 0333 936000 p. 157-158).
"The vast and tranquil metaphysics of India is unfolded; her conception of the universe, her social organization, perfect in its day and still capable of adaptation to the demands of modern times; the solution which she offers for the feminist problem, for the problems of the family, of love, of marriage; and lastly, the magnificent revelation of her art. The whole vast soul of India proclaims from end to end of its crowded and well ordered edifice the same domination of a sovereign synthesis." There is no negation. All is harmonized. All the forces of life are grouped like a forest, whose thousand waving arms are led by Nataraja, the master of the Dance. Everything has its place, every being has its function, and all take part in the divine concert, their different voices, and their very dissonances, creating, in the phrase of Heraclitus, a most beautiful harmony. Whereas in the West, cold, hard logic isolates the unusual, shutting it off from the rest of life into a definite and distinct compartment of the spirit. India, ever mindful of the natural differences in souls and in philosophies, endeavors to blend them into each other, so as to recreate in its fullest perfection the complete unity. The matching of opposites produces the true rhythm of life.
"Of course, this entire fabric of Indian life stands solidly on faith, that is to say, on a slender and emotional hypothesis. But amid all the beliefs of Europe, and of Asia, that of the Indian Brahmins seems to me infinitely the most alluring. And the reason why I love the Brahmin more than the other schools of Asiatic thought is because it seems to me to contain them all. Greater than all European philosophies, it is even capable of adjusting itself to the vast hypotheses of modern science. Our Christian religions have tried in vain, when there were no other choice open to them, to adapt themselves to the progress of science. But after having allowed myself to be swept away by the powerful rhythm of Brahmin thought, along the curve or life, with its movement of alternating ascent and return, I come back to my own century, and while finding therein the immense projections of a new cosmogony, offspring of the genius of Einstein, or deriving freely from the discoveries, I yet do not feel that I enter a strange land. I yet can hear resounding still the cosmic symphony of all those planets which forever succeed each other, are extinguished and once more illumined, with their living souls, their humanities, their gods – according to the laws of the eternal To Become, the Brahmin Samsara – I hear Siva dancing, dancing in the heart of the world, in my own heart."
The Western world, abandoning itself utterly to its search of individual and social happiness, maims and disfigures life by the very frenzy of its haste, and kills in the shell the happiness, which it pursues. Like a runaway horse who from between his blinkers sees only the blinding road before him, the average European cannot see beyond the boundaries of his individual life, or of the life of his class, or his country, or his party. In the great philosophy of Brahma, such violent turns of the scale are quite unknown. It embraces vast stretches of time, cycles of human ages, whose successive lives gravitate in concentric circles, and travel ever slowly towards the center...."
(source: The Dance of Shiva - By Dr. Ananda K Coomaraswamy – Foreword - By Romain Rolland pages xi – xv).
20. Mahatma Gandhi (1869-1948) was among India's most fervent nationalists, fighting for Indian independence from British rule. Gandhi rose to the eminence of being called “amoral genius” by no less a person than the celebrated British philosopher C. E. M Joad. (For more on Joad refer to Quotes301_320).
He was disillusioned by the hypocrisy of the Western civilization.
He denounced England's devilish acts in India, and proclaimed it as a "Satanic Power'. Then, gave the cry for the 'Quit India' movement.
While in London, Gandhi wrote: "Looking at this land, I at any rate have grown disillusioned with Western civilization. They spend, their days in luxury or in making a bare living and retire at night thoroughly exhausted. In this state of affairs, I cannot understand when they can devote themselves to prayers."
It is said that Gandhi was once asked what he thought of Western civilization, and answered that he felt it might be a good idea.
(source: (Indian Opinion: Mahatma Gandhi quoted by Judith M. Brown. 1994:5 - Modern India: The Origins of an Asian democracy).
As is clear from the Mahatma's polemic against the Christian missionaries, he was first and foremost a Hindu, who opposed all designs to destroy Hindu culture.
He claimed: "I am a proud staunch Sanatani Hindu." He took considerable pride in this self-identification. Far from being a dirty word as it would soon become even for some so-called Hindu leaders, the word "Hindu" conveyed to him all that was noble and elevating. He did not feel that he was being "communal" when he called himself a Hindu. For him Hinduism was a a vast, spiritual vision beckoning man to rise to the highest heights.
He has further stated:
"Hinduism has made marvelous discoveries in things of religion, of the spirit, of the soul. We have no eye for these great and fine discoveries. We are dazzled by the material progress that Western science has made. Ancient India has survived because Hinduism was not developed along material but spiritual lines."
"Hinduism is a relentless pursuit of Truth. "Truth is God" and if today it has become moribund, inactive, irresponsive to growth, it is because we are fatigued; and as soon as the fatigue is over, Hinduism will burst upon the world with a brilliance perhaps unknown before.”
(source: Young India, 24/11/1924 p. 390-396 and The Discovery of India - By Jawaharlal Nehru. Oxford University Press. 1995. pg 75).
"The tendency of Indian civilization is to elevate the moral being, that of the western civilization is to propagate immorality. The latter is godless, the former is based on a belief in God."
(source: Popular Hinduism: The Religion of the Masses - By L S S O'Malley p. 46).
"I believe that the civilization India has evolved is not to be beaten in the world. Nothing can equal the seeds sown by our ancestry. Rome went; Greece shared the same fate; the might of the Pharaohs was broken; Japan has become westernized; of China nothing can be said; but India is still, somehow or other, sound at the foundation."
(source: Hindu Swaraj or Indian Home Rule Chapter xiii)
This is what Gandhi wrote about the Bhagavad Gita:
"The Geeta is the universal mother. I find a solace in the Bhagavadgeeta that I miss even in the Sermon on the Mount. When disappointment stares me in the face and all alone I see not one ray of light, I go back to the Bhagavad Gita. I find a verse here and a verse there , and I immediately begin to smile in the midst of overwhelming tragedies - and my life has been full of external tragedies - and if they have left no visible or indelible scar on me, I owe it all to the teaching of Bhagavadgeeta."
About the Bhagawad-Gita, Gandhi, says: “Today the Gita is not only my Bible or my Koran, it is more than that—it is my mother... When I am in difficulty or distress I seek refuge in her bosom.”
(source: Harijan 24-8-1934).
Listen to The Bhagavad Gita podcast - By Michael Scherer -
Gandhi, the author of the Quit India movement was inspired by the teachings of Krishna in the Gita.
(source: On Secularism in India - By S Gurumurthy).
"Hinduism is a living organism liable to growth and decay subject to the laws of Nature. One and indivisible at the root, it has grown into a vast tree with innumerable branches. The changes in the season affect it. It has its autumn and its summer, its winter and its spring. It is, and is not, based on scriptures. It does not derive its authority from one book. "Non violence has found the highest expression and application in Hinduism.
(source: Hindu Dharma - By M. K. Gandhi. Chapter on Why I am a Hindu )
"I think I have understood Hinduism correctly when I say that
it is eternal, all-embracing and flexible enough to suit all situations. "
(Navjeevan 27-9-1924). Hinduism
contains the essence of all religions. What it does not contain is not worth
knowing (Navjeevan 17-9-1925).
Since Hinduism is
based on truth and nonviolence , it can never oppose any other religion.
Hinduism strives for the betterment of all religions, and through them of the
entire world (From a speech made on 25-3-29 while inaugurating Shri
Laxminarayan Temple.).
"I am a Hindu because it is Hinduism which makes the world worth
(source: Young India 1-12-26). I am a Hindu
hence I Love not only human beings, but all living beings.
He observed on Hinduism's
environmentally sensitive philosophy by saying:
"I bow my head in reverence to our
ancestors for their sense of the beautiful in nature and for their foresight in
investing beautiful manifestations of Nature with a religious significance."
(source: Glimpses of Indian Culture - By Dr. Giriraj Shah p.
106). For more refer to chapter on Nature
Worship. He considered the Bhagavad Gita as a book ' par excellence' for the knowledge of Truth (God).
Gandhi called the Gita the 'Gospel of Selfless Action'.
"India is to me the dearest country in the world, because I have discovered goodness in it. It has been subject to foreign rule, it is true. But the status of a slave is preferable to that of a slave holder."
“Hinduism is a living organism. One and indivisible at the root, it has grown into a vast tree with innumerable branches. Kno “Hinduism is a living organism. One and indivisible at the root, it has grown into a vast tree with innumerable branches. Knowledge is limitless and so also the application of truth. Everyday we add to our knowledge of the power of Atman (soul) and we shall keep on doing so.”
He was a Hindu to the core. Defining his attitude to a prominent Indian Christian, Kali Charan Banerjee (1847-1902) he said:
"I am unable to identify with orthodox Christianity. I must tell you in all humility that Hinduism, as I know it, entirely satisfies my soul, fills my whole being, and I find solace in the Bhagavad Gita and the Upanishads that I miss even in the Sermon on the Mount....I must confess to you that when doubts haunt me, when disappointments stare me in the face, and when I see not one ray of light on the horizon I turn to the Bhagavad Gita, and find a verse to comfort me; and I immediately begin to smile in the midst of overwhelming sorrow. My life has been full of external tragedies and if they have not left any visible and indelible effect on me, I owe it to the teachings of the Bhagavad Gita."
(source: The Collected Works - By M. K. Gandhi Volume 27, New Delhi, 1968 p. 434-435 and India and World Civilization - By D. P. Singhal Pan Macmillan Limited. 1993. p 258).
Gandhi wrote in his book Autobiography or the Story of My Experiments with Truth:
As "philosophically there was nothing extraordinary in Christian principles" no one, much less a Hindu, would ever give it a second look.
(source: Christian Conversions and abuse of Religious Freedom in India - By Brahm Datt Bharti p. 20).
Mahatma Gandhi told Romain Rolland in Switzerland on his way back to India from the Round Table Conference (1911) that Christianity is an echo of the Indian religion and Islam is the re-echo of that echo."
(source: India in Primitive Christianity - By Arthur Lillie).
" I have no other wish in this world but to find light and joy and peace through Hinduism."
(source: Outlines of Hinduism - By T. M. P. Mahadevan - p. foreword).
wledge is limitless and so also the application of truth. Everyday we add to our knowledge of the power of Atman (soul) and we shall keep on doing so.”
He was a Hindu to the core. Defining his attitude to a prominent Indian Christian, Kali Charan Banerjee (1847-1902) he said:
"I am unable to identify with orthodox Christianity. I must tell you in all humility that Hinduism, as I know it, entirely satisfies my soul, fills my whole being, and I find solace in the Bhagavad Gita and the Upanishads that I miss even in the Sermon on the Mount....I must confess to you that when doubts haunt me, when disappointments stare me in the face, and when I see not one ray of light on the horizon I turn to the Bhagavad Gita, and find a verse to comfort me; and I immediately begin to smile in the midst of overwhelming sorrow. My life has been full of external tragedies and if they have not left any visible and indelible effect on me, I owe it to the teachings of the Bhagavad Gita."
(source: The Collected Works - By M. K. Gandhi Volume 27, New Delhi, 1968 p. 434-435 and India and World Civilization - By D. P. Singhal Pan Macmillan Limited. 1993. p 258).
Gandhi wrote in his book Autobiography or the Story of My Experiments with Truth:
As "philosophically there was nothing extraordinary in Christian principles" no one, much less a Hindu, would ever give it a second look.
(source: Christian Conversions and abuse of Religious Freedom in India - By Brahm Datt Bharti p. 20).
Mahatma Gandhi told Romain Rolland in Switzerland on his way back to India from the Round Table Conference (1911) that Christianity is an echo of the Indian religion and Islam is the re-echo of that echo."
(source: India in Primitive Christianity - By Arthur Lillie).
" I have no other wish in this world but to find light and joy and peace through Hinduism."
(source: Outlines of Hinduism - By T. M. P. Mahadevan - p. foreword).
If all The Upanishads and all the other scriptures happened all of a sudden to be reduced to ashes, and if only the first verse in the Ishopanishad were left in the memory of the Hindus, Hinduism would live for ever."
(source: The Upanishads Translated for the Modern Reader By Eknath Easwaran. Nilgiri Press. 1987. pg 205).
Gandhi has written: "The Gita "struck me as one of priceless worth."
(source: The Collected Works of Mahatma Gandhi Volume 39 New Delhi 1970 p. 32)
Gandhi was a proud and combative Hindu, his first and foremost loyalty was towards Hindu society and Hinduism, says Koenraad Elst in his book Negationism in India: Concealing the Record of Islam p. 84).
'The Bhagavad Gita is my mother,' he once said; and the name of Sri Rama was his shield.'
He accords the highest honor to Hindu scriptures - the Vedas, the Upanishads, the Puranas, the Gita, the Mahabharata, the Ramayan, the Bhagavata. He defends the "much-maligned Brahman" and entertains " not a shadow of doubt" that "if Brahmanism does not revive, Hinduism will perish".
He upholds the "spirit behind idol-worship" and is prepared "to defend with my life the thousands of holy temples which sanctify this land." For him cow protection "is the dearest possession of the Hindu heart" and "no one who does not believe in cow-protection can possibly be a Hindu." The sacred thread has "deep meaning for him" as it is "the sign of the second birth, that is spiritual." He says that varnashrama is "inherent in human nature, and Hinduism has simply made a science of it."
(source: Hindu Dharma - By M. K. Gandhi p. 7-374).
"What the divine author of the Mahabharata said of his great creation is equally true of Hinduism. Whatever of substance is contained in any other religion is always to be found in Hinduism, and what is not contained in it is insubstantial or unnecessary."
(source: Young India 27-9-1925).
"Hinduism insists on the brotherhood of not only all mankind but of all that lives."
(source: Harijan 28-3-1936).
"Hinduism is like the Ganga,, pure and unsullied at its source but taking in its course the impurities in the way. Even like the Ganga it is beneficent in its total effect. It takes a provincial form in every province, but the inner substance is retained everywhere."
(source: Young India
(source: The Collected Works of Mahatma Gandhi Volume 34 New Delhi 1970 p.112- 261).
London Times editorial said on the day after his death: "No country but India and no religion but Hinduism could have given birth to a Gandhi."
(source: India and World Civilization - By D. P. Singhal Pan Macmillan Limited. 1993. p. 258).
"Hindu Dharma is like a boundless ocean teeming with priceless gems. The deeper you dive the more treasures you find."
(source: The Essence of Hinduism - By M. K. Gandhi p. 205).
"Hinduism is like Ganga, pure and unsullied at its source, but taking in its course the impurities in the way".
(source: Non-Renunciation: Themes and Interpretations of Hindu Culture - By T. N. Madan)
He affirmed, again, and again not only the fundamentals of Hindu spirituality but also the framework of Hindu culture and social life. He valued "the spirit behind idol-worship" and declared his determination "to defend with my life the thousands of holy temples which sanctify this land of ours."
"Cow-protection is an article of faith in Hinduism. Apart from its religious sanctity, it is an ennobling creed. Cow protection is the dearest possession of the Hindu heart. It is the one concrete belief common to all Hindus. No on who does not believe in cow-protection can possibly be called a Hindu. It is a noble belief. I endorse every word of what Prof. Vaswani has said in praise of the cow. For me the cow is the personification of innocence. Cow protection means that protection of the weak and helpless."
(source: Hindu Dharma - By M. K. Gandhi p. 108-18). For more on Gandhi refer to The Story of my Experiments with Truth).
"I bow my head in reverence to our ancestors for their sense of the beautiful in nature and for their foresight in investing beautiful manifestations of Nature with a religious significance."
(source: Glimpses of Indian Culture - By Dr. Giriraj Shah p. 106).
Thoreau and Gandhi both believed in non-violence, had religious temperament, were vegetarians, and admired the teachings of the Bhagavad Gita. The appreciated poverty and lived the simple life. Webb Miller in his book I found no peace p. 240, wrote: “Gandhi received back from America what was fundamentally the philosophy of India after it had been distilled and crystallized in the mind of Thoreau.” The nationalist movement of Congress, and its political vision of a free India, was as thoroughly suffused with the spirit of Hinduism. Nationalism and religion were thus allied in Gandhi's teachings. Gandhi found the substance of India's life in Hinduism. His political vocabulary of Ram rajya, ahimsa, satyagraha, swaraj, bharat mata, swadeshi etc. He passionately rejected the British project of Westernizing India.
(source: Hindu Scriptures and American Transcendentalists - By Umesh Patri p 98 -135 and Dharma, India and the World Order - By Chaturved Badrinath p. 166 -169).
(My humble salutations to , H H Swamyjis, Hindu Wisdom, great Universal Philosophers, Historians, Professors and Devotees for the discovering collection)
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