Nobel Excerpts about Bharata Varsha -6

Some of the  intellectual celebraties in the world of the
West and the East had the following things
 to say about Hinduism:

86. Vinoba Bhave, (1894-1982), the great spiritual leaders and social reformers of modern India, was a disciple of Mahatma Gandhi. Founder of the Bhoodan, or land-gift, movement, seeking donations of land for redistribution to the landless, said :
"The Supreme Lord of the Gita confirms the faith of each and grants the rewards each seeks....No matter what we revere, so long as our reverence is serious, it helps progress."

"Hinduism gives its followers complete freedom. It does not insist on any particular discipline or prayer. Religion has to release us from bondage. The only imperative commandment it can have is to ask us to purify ourselves. Hinduism has emphasized the need for inner purity. Indian civilization and culture has shown a tremendous capacity for assimilation and absorption. If Hinduism becomes narrow, we shall be destroying our precious heritage. "

87. Jacob Wilhelm Hauer (1881-1961) was born in Ditzingen, Wuerttemberg. His parents were pietists. Hauer was trained as a missionary. He taught at a mission school in India from 1907 onwards. He studied and taught Sanskrit. He wrote several books on Hinduism and Yoga. Confronted with Hinduism, he became interested in the religion and no longer regarded Christianity as the sole means of salvation.

He gave to the Bhagavad Gita, a central place in the German faith. Hauer also wrote on Yoga. His major work was Der Yoga als Heilweg ("Yoga as a means of salvation") in 1932. Hauer dedicated to C. G. Jung.
He afforded the Bhagavad-Gita, a pivotal role in the spiritual life of Germany. An official interpreter of faith in Germany, Hauer described the Gita, as "a work of imperishable significance" that offers:
"gives us not only profound insights that are valid for all times and for all religious life, but it contains as well the classical presentation of one of the most significant phases of lndo-German religious history. . . .It shows us the way as regards the essential nature and basal characteristics of Indo-Germamic religion. Here Spirit is at work that belongs to our Spirit. "We are not called to solve the meaning of life but to find out the Deed demanded of us and to work and so, by action, to master the riddle of life." 
Hauer declared the central message of the Gita:
"We are not called to solve the meaning of life but to find out the Deed demanded of us and to work and so, by action, to master the riddle of life."
(source: Introductory Essay to The Bhagavad-Gita - By S. Radhakrishnan 1997, New Delhi: Harper Collins Publishers India, 1993,  p. 11).
88. W. Norman Brown professor of Sanskrit at University of Pennsylvania, author of several books, including Mahimnastava or Praise of Shiva's Greatness, Mythology of India  has stated:

" As a religion, Hinduism has set side by side in peaceful coexistence every shade of belief ranging from the most primitive sort of animism to a highly sophisticated philosophical monism, and with this has gone a corresponding range of worship of practice extending from the simplest disease spirits to the most concentrated meditation designed to produce knowledge of abstract impersonal reality."

89. Bal Gangadhar Tilak (1856-1920) freedom fighter, great Sanskrit scholar and astronomer. He was an ardent patriot and a born fighter. He has been called the Father of Indian Nationalism. He is the author of The Orion and The Artic Home in the Vedas in English and of Gita Rahasya in Marathi. He was the fearless editor of the two leading newspapers of the Deccan - the Kesari and the Mahratta. He suffered imprisonment thrice - one of them a rigorous one for twelve months in 1897 and deportation to Manadalay . 
His contribution to modern India stands on par with that of Mahatma Gandhi's.  Proclaimed to the nation, "Swaraj is my birthright and I shall have it!"  Wrote his famous commentary on Bhagavad-Gita, the sacred book of Hindus.

He stressed that Gita  taught Karma (action), nothing but action. Religion or spiritual message were secondary and the need of the hour was to arise and fight. This was Lord Krishna's message to Arjuna. 

He explained: "The most practical teaching of the Gita, and one for which it is of abiding interest and value to the men of the world with whom life is a series of struggles, is not to give way to any morbid sentimentality when duty demands sternness and the boldness to face terrible things." 
(source: The Soul of India- By Amaury de Riencourt p. 301).
"The Shrimad Bhagavad Gita is one of the most brilliant and pure gems of our ancient sacred books. It would be difficult to find a simpler work in Sanskrit literature ore even in all the literature of the world than the Gita, which explains to us in an unambiguous and succinct manner the deep, and sacred principles of the sacred science of the SELF (Atman), after imparting to us the knowledge of the human body and the cosmos, and on the authority of those principles acquaints every human being with the most perfect and complete condition of the Self...."
(source: Gita Rahasya - By B. G. Tilak p. 1).
90. Leopold von Schroeder (1851-1920) German Indologist. In 1884, Schroeder published Pythagoras und die Inder, Eine Untersuchung ueber Herkunft und Anstammung Pythagoreischer Ideen - Pythagoras and the Indians. An examination of the origin and derivation of the ideas of Pythagoras. 
He says:
"The Indians are the nation of romanticists of antiquity. The Germans are the romantics of modern times. Sentimentality and feelings for Nature are common to both German and Indian poetry. He concludes that all the romantic minds of the West turn towards India because of the deep-rooted similarity between romanticism in Europe." 
"Nearly all the philosophical and mathematical doctrines attributed to Pythagoras are derived from India."
(Off all the European nations Germany's response to India was most enthusiastic and open hearted).
(source: German Indologists – By Valentina Stache-Rosen p. 117 – 118).
91. Jagdish Chandra Bose (1858-1937), a pioneer of modern Indian science, combined ancient Indian introspective methods with modern experimental methods to demonstrate "the universal livingness of matter" or the "omnipresence of Life in Matter."

Modern science thus endorsed the ancient Upanishadic truth that the entire universe is born of a life-force and is quivering with a touch of animation. His work represents the triumph of spirituality over extreme materialism.

(source: India and World Civilization - By D. P. Singhal Pan Macmillan Limited. 1993. p. 266)
92. Kenneth Walker ( ? )  a famous British surgeon, has devoted a good deal of time and writing to the study of Indian thought and literature in search of an answer:
The eminent English thinker, presiding over the Sri Ramakrishna birthday anniversary meeting in London in March, 1949, said:
"If the two great nations, India and England, cannot be united by political chords, the ties of spiritual and intellectual co-operation will certainly prove a stronger bond of union. India, the greatest spiritual force of the world, even maintains today those fountain sources of eternal life, which are the only hope of the spiritual resurrection of humanity."
(source: The Vision of India - By Sisirkumar Mitra   p. 209 -210).

"From the point of view of science, we see man as an elaborate piece of mechanism, his actions determined by his central nervous system and his environment. From philosophy we  learn that his capacity for knowledge is strictly limited, so that by means of his sense organs alone he can never know reality. This is confirmed by Hindu philosophy, but a new idea is added. Man, as he is can see no more and do no more, but by right effort and right method, he can gain powers, understand more and achieve more." 

India, the greatest spiritual force of the world, even maintains today those fountain sources of eternal life, which are the only hope of the spiritual resurrection of humanity."

93. Rudolph Steiner (1861-1925), Austrian architect, highly interested in the alignment between science and nature, matter and spirit, he developed an anthropomorphic architecture for his own Anthroposophical Society. A scholar who had edited the works of German dramatist/poet Johann Wolfgang Goethe.

" In order to approach a creation as sublime as the Bhagavad-Gita with full understanding it is necessary  to attune our soul to it." 

 "What we read in the Vedas, those archives of Hindu wisdom, gives us only a faint idea of the sublime doctrines of the ancient teachers, and even so these are not in their original form. Only the gaze of the clairvoyant, directed upon the mysteries of the past, many reveal the unuttered wisdom which lies hidden behind these writings."
(source: Ancient Indian Education - By Radha Kumud Mookerji p. 17).
94. William Butler Yeats (1856-1939) Irish poet and a 1923 Nobel Laureate in Literature. 
Yeats found Indian ideas of philosophy, art, and religion inspiring and stimulating to such a great extent that a vital part of his career became his assimilating them as well as reproducing them through his own art. Yeats reacted to India with insight, admiration, sympathy and affection. He also met and developed friendships with three Indians, Mohini Chatterji, Rabindranath Tagore, and Shri Purohit Swami (1882 - 1941) at three different stages of his career

He described his first meeting with a Hindu philosopher at Dublin:

"It was my first meeting with a philosophy that confirmed my vague speculations and seemed at once logical and boundless. "

In his "Meru" written in 1935 - Meru is the central mountain of the world in Hindu Mythology - Yeats contrasts the peaceful life of the mystic, despite the hardships of nature, with the transitory cycles of creation and destruction exemplified in the world of man.

Egypt and Greece, good-bye, and good-bye, Rome!
Hermits upon Mount Meru or Everest,
Caverned in night under the drifted snow,
Or where that snow and winter's dreadful blast
Beat down upon their naked bodies, know
That day bring round the night, that before dawn
His glory and his monuments are gone.

Yeats was keenly interested in Yoga system and Tantra.

(source: India and World Civilization - By D. P. Singhal   Pan Macmillan Limited. 1993. p. 262 - 263 and W B Yeats and Indian Tradition - By Sankaran Ravindran. p. 2- 3).

95. Stephen P. Huyler ( ? )  art historian, cultural anthropologist, curator at the Smithsonian's Arthur M. Sackler gallery, in his book Meeting God: Elements of Hindu Devotion defines Hinduism:

" Hinduism is a religion of individuality'. Both good and evil are believed to be of God, and the purpose of most rituals is to maintain a balance between such opposites: creation and destruction, light and dark, masculine and feminine.  All Hindus believe that the Absolute is the pure blend of opposites, neither masculine nor feminine. For the Hindu, as every aspect of existence has a purpose, human meaning involves a fundamental sense of duty and of conscientious accountability. All individuals are considered part of the greater whole, which functions well only when each person fulfills his or her obligations. The focus and means of worship are many, but the process has a common thread. It acknowledges one of the fundamental principles of Hinduism. God is a universal force, indivisible and yet infinitely divisible, the one and the many, the perfect mixture of all facets of existence." 

Hinduism is a religion of strength, vitality, innovation, and balance."

"For the average Hindu, the Divine is personal and approachable. God is universal force, indivisible, and yet infinitely divisible, the one and the many, the perfect mixture of all facets of existence."
"Many Hindu texts state that the Absolute, Brahman, is pure sound."
"Hinduism is often said to be a religion of millions of Gods, and it is indeed a religion of diversity. But it is essential to understand that underlying all is the belief in the unity in one great God: the Absolute, often known as Brahman. Some Hindus believe that this Absolute is formless, a supreme cosmic force that cannot be completely known by humankind. Hindu philosophers state that existence as we know it is an illusion. The universe is relative, ever changing, whereas its source, the Absolute, is the only permanent thing, never changing. To truly reach the Divine we must divest ourselves of all physical attachments and open our minds and spirit to the great void."
(source: Meeting God: Elements of Hindu Devotion - By Stephen P Huyler p. 28 -56 ).

96. Roger Garaudy ( ? ) a Muslim philosopher says:

"The Bhagavad-Gita is a rich message, directed toward the human being, showing him the path for his actions, in order to establish a divine society on earth." 

(source: unknown).

97. C. Rajagopalachari (1878-1972) popularly known as "Rajaji" was a great patriot. He was a scholar, a statesman, and a linguist.  A contemporary of Mohandas Gandhi, he was also free India’s first Governor General.  Perhaps his most signal accomplishment was his thoughtful rendition of the Mahabharata and Ramayana in English, making the stories and wisdom contained in those classics available to a new generation of English educated Indians. In his book Ramayana, Rajaji captures for us the pathos and beauty of Valmiki's magic in an inimitable manner. 

He spoke eloquently of the Upanishads.

"The spacious imagination, the majestic sweep of thought, and the almost reckless spirit of exploration with which, urged by the compelling thirst for truth, the Upanishad teachers and pupils dig into the "open secret" of the universe, make this most ancient of the world's holy books still the most modern and most satisfying." 
(source: The Discovery of India - By Jawaharlal Nehru Oxford University Press. 1995. pg 90).
"The Mahabharata has moulded the character and civilization of one of the most numerous of the world's people. How? By its gospel of dharma, which like a golden thread runs through all the complex movements in the epic; by its lesson that hatred breed hatred, that covetousness and violence lead inevitably to ruin, that the only conquest is in the battle against one's lower nature."
(source: The Complete Idiot's Guide to Hinduism - By Linda Johnsen  p. 65)
Rajagopalachari has observed on indestructible culture of India:
 "If there is any honesty in India today, any hospitality, any chastity, any philanthropy, any tenderness to the dumb creatures, any aversion to evil, any love to do good, it is due to whatever remains of the old faith and the old culture."
(source: India's Priceless Heritage - By Nani A. Palkhivala 1980 p. 39).
“The Hindu doctrine of all ways trading to God with the resulting attitude of the Hindu creed towards all other religions is unique. No other creed has arrived at this all embracing fraternity of faiths, which Hinduism stand for. 
Akasat Sarvadeva Namaskarah Kesavam Prati Gachati. The quotation is from Mahabharata."
"The Mahabharata has molded the character and civilization of one of the most numerous of the world's people. How? By its gospel of dharma, which like a golden thread runs through all the complex movements in the epic; by its lesson that hatred breed hatred, that covetousness and violence leads inevitably to ruin, that the only real conquest is in the battle against one's lower nature."
(source: Hinduism - By Linda Johnsen p. 65).

98. Octovio Paz (1914-1998) was awarded the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1990. He served as  Mexico's ambassador to India from 1962 until 1968. This is what he says about Hindu art in his book In Light of India:
"The Hindu genius is a love for abstraction and, at the same time, a passion for the concrete image. At times it is rich, at others prolix.  It has created the most lucid and the most instinctive art. It is abstract and realistic, sexual and intellectual, pedantic and sublime. It lives between extremes, it embraces the extremes, rooted in the earth and drawn to an invisible beyond." 
(source: In Light of India - By Octavio Paz  p. 185). 

99. Thomas Merton (1915-1968) was a Trappist monk, poet, social critic and author of many books, including Seeds of Contemplation, Life and Holiness, Mystics and Zen Masters.  
Merton, in his book Thoughts on the East talks about the living importance of the Bhagavad-Gita:
"It brings to the West a salutary reminder that our highly activistic and one-sided culture is faced with a crisis that may end in self-destruction because it lacks the inner depth of an authentic metaphysical consciousness. Without such depth, our moral and political protestations are just so verbiage. If, in the West, God can no longer be experienced as other than "dead", it is because of an inner split and self-alienation which have characterized the Western mind in its single-minded dedication to only the half of life: that which is exterior, objective and quantitative." 
(source: unknown)
100. J. Donald Walters  (Swami Kriyananda)  (  ? ) World renowned as a singer, composer, and lecturer, founder of the Ananda Village is perhaps the most successful intentional community in the world. In his book " The Hindu Way of Awakening: Its Revelation, Its Symbols" says:
"Hinduism, in its plethora of symbols and images, is endlessly complex and therefore endlessly misunderstood, but its true mission is both simple and universal: soul enlightenment. The way to understand this mission is to realize that it is goal-oriented, not way-oriented. In other words, its focus is the ultimate attainment, Self-realization."
For even today, thousands of years since they were were first expounded by the ancient rishis (spiritual sages), the religious teachings of India nourish what continues to be the most spiritually grounded civilization in the world."
"Ancient rishis made claims so cosmic that even modern physics seems only to be catching up with them and realizing after every scientific breakthrough, that the ancients were there long before them! Even as recently as a century ago, the West was still reeling under the impact of the discovery of geologists that the earth was formed eons ago, and not in 4004 BC. as theologians had determined.
" India, has accomplished in the field of spirituality what, in the world of finance, the free market (as opposed to a controlled economy) has succeeded in doing: The individual seeker has been left free to explore and develop his own spiritual potentials. Other scriptures have hinted at the deeper truths of inward religion. But the priests in every religion seldom quote those passages, which they rightly see as threatening to their institutional preeminence." 
"Hinduism is the most ancient expression of Sanatan Dharma, the eternal and universal religion."
" The insights of which the Hindu teachings are based were revelation in the highest sense of the word." 

"A special charm of studying Indian philosophy today is that it is more truly Western, in the modern, scientific sense, than any system of philosophy that the West has produced. Whereas Western rationalism has broken down under the impact of scientific discoveries, Indian thought cheerfully rides the crest of the wave, and is only pushed higher by every new scientific finding." 

(source: The Hindu Way of Awakening: Its Revelation, Its Symbols - By Swami Kriyananda p. 12 - 86 and 150 and Crises in Modern Thought: Vol. I: The Crises of Reason - By Swami Kriyananda (J. Donald Walters) p. x)

101.               Satguru Sivaya Subramuniyaswami (1927-2001) American born, was one of Hinduism's foremost spiritual teachers, a prolific author and publisher of Hinduism Today magazine.

He has called Hinduism, the Greatest Religion in the World. 
"Hinduism is so broad. Within it there is a place for the insane and a place for the saint...There is a place for the intelligent person and plenty of room for the fool. The beauty of Hinduism is that it does not demand of every soul perfection in this life, a necessary conclusion for those who believe in a single lifetime during which human perfection or grace must be achieved. Belief in reincarnation gives the Hindu an acceptance of every level of humanity. Some souls are simply older souls than others, but all are inherently the same, inherently immortal and of the nature of the Divine."
"Hinduism, the Eternal Way or Sanatana Dharma, has no beginning, therefore will certainly have no end. It was never created, and therefore it cannot be destroyed. It is a God-centric religion. The center of it is God. All of the other religions are prophet-centric. It is the only religion that has such breadth and depth. Hinduism contains the deities and the sanctified temples, the esoteric knowledge of inner states of consciousness, yoga and the disciplines of meditation. It possesses a gentle compassion and a genuine tolerance and appreciation for other religions. It remains undogmatic and open to inquiry. It believes in a just world in which every soul is guided by karma to the ultimate goal of Self Realization, or moksha, freedom from rebirth. It rest content in the knowledge of the divine origin of the soul. It cherishes the largest storehouse of scripture and philosophy on the Earth, and the oldest. It is endowed with a tradition of saints and sages, of realized men and women, unrivaled on the Earth. 
It is the sum of these, and more, which makes me boldly declare that Hinduism is the greatest religion in the world.
(source: Hinduism Today - March/April 2000 p. 10 -11).

102. Dr. Heinrich Zimmer (1890-1943), the great German Indologist, a man of penetrating intellect, the keenest esthetic sensibility. Zimmer came to the United States in 1940, at the height of his career, and was lecturing at Columbia University when he died in 1943. His other works in the Bollingen series include Myths and Symbols in Indian Art and Civilization and Philosophies of India. 
"We of the Occident are about to arrive at a crossroads that was reached by the thinkers of India some seven hundred years before Christ. This is the real reason, why we become both vexed and stimulated, uneasy and yet interested, when confronted with the concepts and images of Oriental wisdom." 

(source: Readings in Eastern Religious Thought - Hinduism - Edited by Allie M. Frazier vol 1. p 17).

"It is well known that our Christian Western tradition has long refused to accept the wisdom of the pagans on an equal footing with the body of revelation that it cherishes and worships as its own."  The fact that there are virtue, wisdom, and inspiration to be found even among the historical enemies of Christianity." 

(source: Myths and Symbols in Indian Art and Civilization - by Heinrich Zimmer and Joseph Campbell p. 217-218).

"The whole edifice of Indian civilization is imbued with spiritual meaning. The close interdependence and perfect harmonization of the two serve to counteract the natural tendency of Indian philosophy to become recondite and esoteric, removed from life and the task of the education of society. In the Hindu world, the folklore and popular mythology carry the truths and teachings of the philosophers to the masses. In this symbolic form the ideas do not have to be watered down to be popularized. The vivid, perfectly appropriate pictorial script preserves the doctrines without the slightest damage to their sense."
(source: Philosophies of India - By Heinrich Zimmer  p. 26)
Regarding the Cosmic Dance of Shiva, he has said:
"His gesture wild and full of grace, precipitate the cosmic illusion; his flying arms, and legs and the swaying of his torso produce – indeed, they are – the continuous creation-destruction of the universe, death exactly balancing birth, annihilation the end of every coming-forth."
(source: The Tao of Physics: An Exploration of the Parallels Between Modern Physics and Eastern Mysticism - By Fritjof Capra p.243).
“In one of the Puranic accounts of the deeds of Vishnu in his Boar Incarnation or Avatar, occurs a casual reference to the cyclic recurrence of the great moments of myth. The Boar, carrying on his arm the Goddess Earth whom he is in the act of rescuing from the depths of the sea, passingly remarks to her: 
“Every time I carry you this way….” 
For the Western mind, which believes in single, epoch-making, historical events (such as, for instance, the coming of Christ) this casual comment of the ageless god has a gently minimizing, annihilating effect.  
It is easy for us to forget that our strictly linear, evolutionary idea of time is something peculiar to modern man. Even the Greeks of the day of Plato and Aristotle , who were much nearer than the Hindus to our ways of thought and feeling did not share it. Indeed, St. Augustine seems to have been the first to conceive of this modern idea of time."
(source: Myths and Symbols in Indian Art and Civilization - by Heinrich Zimmer and Joseph Campbell p.18 and 152 -155).
103Irwin Babbitt (1865-1933) the Harvard literary scholar and cultural thinker, will always stand as a monument to American intellectual culture at its finest. Babbitt had a fascination with Asian religion and philosophy. He was one of the principal critics of the twentieth century and an influential teacher of  T. S. Eliot.
"East bowed low before the blast in humble deep disdain,
It let the legions thunder past, and plunged in thought again." 

104. Dr. Ananda Kentish Cooraswamy (1877-1947) the late curator of Indian art at the Boston Museum of Fine Arts, was unexcelled in his knowledge of the art of the Orient, and unmatched in his understanding of Indian culture, language, religion and philosophy. 
He wanted India to remain Indian and continue to demonstrate that a pattern of life rooted in religion and philosophy can also be elegant, graceful and fully satisfying. In India philosophy has been the key in the understanding of concrete life, not a mere intellectual exercise in abstract thought.
He is the author of ' The Dance of Shiva: Essays on Indian Art and Culture'
 Regarding the Cosmic Dance of Shiva, he has said:
"His gesture wild and full of grace, precipitate the cosmic illusion; his flying arms, and legs and the swaying of his torso produce – indeed, they are – the continuous creation-destruction of the universe, death exactly balancing birth, annihilation the end of every coming-forth."
(source: The Tao of Physics: An Exploration of the Parallels Between Modern Physics and Eastern Mysticism - By Fritjof Capra p.243).
“In one of the Puranic accounts of the deeds of Vishnu in his Boar Incarnation or Avatar, occurs a casual reference to the cyclic recurrence of the great moments of myth. The Boar, carrying on his arm the Goddess Earth whom he is in the act of rescuing from the depths of the sea, passingly remarks to her: 
“Every time I carry you this way….” 
For the Western mind, which believes in single, epoch-making, historical events (such as, for instance, the coming of Christ) this casual comment of the ageless god has a gently minimizing, annihilating effect.  
It is easy for us to forget that our strictly linear, evolutionary idea of time is something peculiar to modern man. Even the Greeks of the day of Plato and Aristotle , who were much nearer than the Hindus to our ways of thought and feeling did not share it. Indeed, St. Augustine seems to have been the first to conceive of this modern idea of time."
(source: Myths and Symbols in Indian Art and Civilization - by Heinrich Zimmer and Joseph Campbell p.18 and 152 -155).
103.  Irwin Babbitt (1865-1933) the Harvard literary scholar and cultural thinker, will always stand as a monument to American intellectual culture at its finest. Babbitt had a fascination with Asian religion and philosophy. He was one of the principal critics of the twentieth century and an influential teacher of  T. S. Eliot.
"East bowed low before the blast in humble deep disdain,
It let the legions thunder past, and plunged in thought again." 

104. Dr. Ananda Kentish Cooraswamy (1877-1947) the late curator of Indian art at the Boston Museum of Fine Arts, was unexcelled in his knowledge of the art of the Orient, and unmatched in his understanding of Indian culture, language, religion and philosophy. 
He wanted India to remain Indian and continue to demonstrate that a pattern of life rooted in religion and philosophy can also be elegant, graceful and fully satisfying. In India philosophy has been the key in the understanding of concrete life, not a mere intellectual exercise in abstract thought.
He is the author of ' The Dance of Shiva: Essays on Indian Art and Culture' 

Praising this grand achievement of art, he writes about the image of the Nataraja:
"This conception itself is a synthesis of science, religion and art. In the night of Brahma, Nature is inert, and cannot dance till Shiva wills it. He rises from His rapture, and dancing sends through inert matter pushing waves of awakening sound, and lo! matter also dances appearing as a glory round about Him. This is poetry; but nonetheless, science.

Whatever the origins of Siva's dance,  it became in time the clearest image of the activity of God which any art or religion can boast of.

“How amazing the range of thought and sympathy of those rishi-artists who conceived such a type as this, affording an image of reality, a key to the complex tissue of life, a theory of nature, note merely satisfactory to a single clique or race, not acceptable to the thinkers of a country only, but Universal in its appeal to the philosopher, the lover and the artist of all ages and all countries…” 
“Every part of such an image as this is directly expressive not of any superstition or dogma, but of evident facts. No artist of today, however great, could more exactly or more wisely create an image of that Energy which science must postulate behind all phenomena. “It is not strange that the figure of Nataraja has commanded the adoration of so many generations past; familiar with all skepticisms, expert in tracing all beliefs to primitive superstitions, explorers of the infinitely great and infinitely small, we are worshippers of Nataraja still.”
(source: The Dance of Shiva - By Dr. Ananda K Coomaraswamy p. 57- 66 and India and World Civilization - By D. P. Singhal Pan Macmillan Limited. 1993 .Part II p. 266).

" Hindus have grasped more firmly than others the fundamental meaning and purpose of life, and more deliberately than others organized society with a view to the attainment of the fruit of life; and this organization was designed, not for the advantage of a single class, but, to use a modern formula, to  take from each according to his capacity, and to give to each according to his needs."  " If it be asked what inner riches India brings to aid in the realization of a civilization of the world, then, from the Indian standpoint, the answer must be found in her religions and her philosophy, and her constant application of abstract theory to practical life."

The essence of the Indian experience, rooted in " a constant intuition" of the unity and harmony of all life. Everything has its place, every being its function and all play a part in the divine concert led by Nataraja (Siva), Lord of Dancers. 

He has described the Bhagavad Gita as "a compendium of the whole Vedic doctrine to be found in the earlier Vedas, Brahmanas and Upanishads, and being therefore the basis of all later developments, it can be regarded as the focus of all Indian religion." 
(source: Readings in Vedic Literature - By Satsvarupa dasa Goswami p. 38).
"There are many gods in Hindu pantheon, but they are no more than the imaginative shadowing forth of all-compassing, all penetrating spirit."
"Hinduism emerges, not as a post-Vedic development, atheistic declension from the lofty visions of the Upanishads, but as something handed on from a prehistoric past, ever-changing and yet ever essentially itself, raised at various times by devotional ecstasy and philosophic speculation to heights beyond the grasp of thought, and yet preserving in its popular aspects the most archaic rites and animistic imagery."
(source: The Wisdom of Ananda Coomaraswamy - presented by S. Durai Raja Singam 1979 p. 97).
He detected in India “a strong national genius... since the beginning of her history.” He found Indian art and culture “a joint creation of the Dravidian and Aryan genius.” Of Buddhism, he wrote:’ “the more profound our study, the more difficult it becomes to distinguish Buddhism from Brahmanism, or to say in what respects, if any, Buddhism is really unorthodox. The outstanding distinction lies in the fact that Buddhist doctrine is propounded by an apparently historical founder. Beyond this there are only broad distinctions of emphasis.” No right-wing historian could dare put it so boldly in Indian today.

(source: Non-saffron history unnerves reads - By Meenakshi Jain).
"Almost all that belongs to the common spiritual consciousness of Asia, the ambient in which its diversities are reconcilable, is of Indian origin in the Gupta period."
(source: The Heritage of Asia - By Kenneth Saunders p. 45 - 46).
"Hinduism is not only the oldest of the mystery religions, or rather metaphysical disciplines, of which we have a full and precise knowledge from literary sources .....but also perhaps the only one of these that has survived with an unbroken tradition and that is lived and understood at the present by millions of men..."
The Indian tradition is one of the forms of the Philosophia Perennis, and as such, embodies those universal truths, to which no one people or age can make exclusive claim. 
"....We must, however, specially mention the Bhagavad Gita as probably the most important single work ever produced in India; this book of eighteen chapters is not, as it has been sometimes called, a "sectarian " work, but one universally studied and often repeated daily from memory by millions of Indians of all persuasions; it may be described as a compendium of the whole Vedic doctrine to be found in the earlier Vedas, Brahmanas, and Upanishads, and being therefore the basis of all the later developments, it can be regarded at the focus of all Indian religion. 
(source: Hinduism and Buddhism - By Ananda Coomaraswamy p. 3 - 5). For more on Ananda Coomaraswamy refer to chapter on Hindu Art and Hindu Music).

105Robert Arnett (   )  professor, has lectured widely throughout America including the Smithsonian Institute and Harvard and Yale Universities. He has been interviewed on National Public Radio, Voice of America and various television programs. Arnett in his new book ' India Unveiled ' says:
"Hinduism is greatly misunderstood in the West. Most occidentals do not realize that Hinduism is a monotheistic belief in only one God, who as Creator is beyond time, space and physical form. The entire pantheon of Hindu gods and goddesses are merely representations of different attributes of the One, Unmanifested Spirit. Hinduism created a different deity for each of God's numerous qualities to make God seem more real and approachable."
" Hinduism is a very tolerant religion. It does not have claim exclusivity of the true God for only itself.'
The Rig Veda, clearly states: "Though men call it by many names, it is really One."

106. Pierre Simon de Laplace ( 1749-1827) French mathematician, philosopher, and astronomer, a contemporary of Napoleon.  Laplace  is best known for his nebular hypothesis of the origin of the solar system. 
" It is India that gave us the ingenious method of expressing all numbers by ten symbols, each receiving a value of position as well as an absolute value, a profound and important idea which appears so simple to us now that we ignore its true merit. But its very simplicity, the great ease which it has lent to all computations, puts our arithmetic in the first rank of useful inventions, and we shall appreciate the grandeur of this achievement the more when we remember that it escaped the genius of Archimedes and Appollnius, two of the greatest men produced by antiquity."
(source: The Discovery of India - By Jawaharlal Nehru Oxford University Press.1995 p. 217)
107. Ninian Smart (    )  Professor of Sociology. Born in Scotland, he taught at the Universities of London, Birmingham, and Wales for many years before moving to the University of California, Santa Barbara,
"The genius of Hinduism is to combine divergent practices and beliefs into one overall system. " 
(source: unknown).
108. Albrecht Weber (1825 - 1901) author of The History of Indian Literature, London 1878,  writes: 
“When we compare the doctrines, aims, organization of this (Pythagorean) brotherhood with Buddhistic monarchism, we are almost tempted to regards Pythagoras as the pupil of the Brahmins…Dualism, Pessimism, metempsychosis, celibacy, a common life according to the rigorous rules, frequent self-examination, meditation, devotion, prohibitions against bloody sacrifices, kindliness towards all men, truthfulness, fidelity, justice, and all these elements are common to both.”  
(source: Manu: A Study in Hindu Social Theory - By Kewal Motwani p. 23).  
109. Francesco Clemente (   ) Italian born Indophile, New York artist Clemente was born in 1952. His art was displayed at the Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum recently. He is the youngest artist ever to receive a full-museum retrospective at the Guggenheim. Clemente arrived in India in 1973 and 1978 made more than ten trips there, immersing himself deep in India's philosophy, religion, art and crafts. 
"The Gods who left thousands of years ago in Milan (Europe) are still in India."
"In Indian diversity there is still the memory of very refined expressions which we have lost."

110Geoffrey Moorhouse (1931 -  ) author of several books including India Britannica, and Om: an Indian Pilgrimage. He has observed:
"No other country has lived with so complicated a past so equably, assimilating everything that has happened to it, obliterating naught, so that not even the intricate histories of European states have produced such a rich pattern as that bequeathed by the Mauryas, the Ashokas, the Pahlavas, the Guptas, the Chalykyas, the Hoysalas, the Pandyas, the Cholas, the Mughals, and the British - to identify a few of the people that have shaped India's inheritance. "
"Religion,  flourishes here as it does nowhere else. Other lands may surrender themselves totally to a particular faith, but in India most creeds are deeply rooted and acknowledged fervently. Virtually the whole population practices some form of devotion: the Indian without the slightest feeling for the divine, without a spiritual dimension to his life, is exceedingly rare."

Incomparable and inimitable she is, India is also our great paradigm."

(source: Om: an Indian Pilgrimage - By Geoffrey Moorhouse p. 15 -16).

111. Goldsworthy Lowes Dickinson (1862-1932), the son of portrait painter Cato Lowes Dickinson. He was brought up in a Christian Socialist environment and though he later rejected Christianity he saw his work in the context of its social utility. He was a pacifist during World War I, and he was later instrumental in the conception of the League of Nations.
He is the author of An Essay on the Civilizations of India, China & Japan, in an essay which seeks with justice to define the character of Indian civilization, profoundly remarks, that it is so unique that the contrast is not so much between East and West as between India and the rest of the world. Thus India stands for something which distinguishes it from all other peoples, and so she calls Herself a Karma-bhumi as opposed to the Bhoga-bhumi of all other peoples. For this She has been wonderfully preserved until today. Even now we can see the life of thousands of years ago. Standing on the Ghats at Benares or by any village well we are transported into the beautiful antique world. 

(source: Is India Civilized -  Essays on Indian Culture - By Sir John Woodroffe   p.136 -137).

Dickinson, who was a friend of E. M. Forster, wrote in his "Essay on the Civilizations" thesis, wrote:
"The real antithesis is not between East and West, but between India and the rest of the world." Only India is different; only India un spools some other possibility fantastically. India is the odd man out of the global citizenry." Dickinson held, because religion, religion, religion everywhere had transported the land to somewhere nearly extraterrestrial. All other countries were located on planet Earth, in present time, in specific material conditions- which were so much "maya" or secondary reality in India, where what was important had migrated over the mountaintops into the clouds. 
"Indian religion has never been a system of dogma, and is not entangled in questionable history. Indian philosophy and religion have always affirmed that there is; that by meditation and discipline an internal perception is opened which is perception of truth."
"In the first place, India has never put Man in the center of the universe. In India, and wherever Indian influence has penetrated, it is, on the one hand, the tremendous forces of nature, and what lies behind them that is the object of worship and of speculation; and, on the other hand, Mind and Spirit; not the mind or spirit of the individual person, but the universal Mind or Spirit, which is in him, but which he can only have access by philosophic mediation and discipline....It is very much in harmony with the spirit of western science than with that of western religion. And this fact is exemplified not only by the religious and philosophic literature of India, but by its art."
(source: An Essay on the Civilizations of India, China and Japan - By G. Lowes Dickinson  p.11-31).

112. George Bernard Shaw, (1856-1950) a vegetarian and Nobel Laureate in Literature. He was an active socialist on the executive committee of the Fabian Society along with Annie Besant. Famous British Author and Playwright, of books such as Pygmalion. 
Shaw remarked: 
 "The Indian way of life provides the vision of the natural, real way of life. We veil ourselves with unnatural masks. On the face of India are the tender expressions which carry the mark of the Creators hand. "
In the face of an Indian, you can see the natural glory of life, while we have covered ourselves with an artificial clock.
"The apparent multiplication of gods is bewildering at the first glance, but you soon discover that they are the same GOD. There is always one uttermost God who defies personification. This makes Hinduism the most tolerant religion in the world, because its one transcendent God includes all possible gods. In fact Hinduism is so elastic and so subtle that the most profound Methodist, and crudest idolater, are equally at home with it."
113. W. Crooke in his book " The Popular Religion and Folklore of Northern India"  (Oxford University Press, 1896.  
" Among all the great religions of the world there is none more catholic, more assimilative, than the mass of beliefs which go to make up what is popularly known as Hinduism." 
(source: The Popular Religion and Folklore of Northern India"  Oxford University Press, 1896).

114. Sir Charles Norton Edgcumbe Eliot (1864-1931), British diplomat and colonial administrator, a famous scholar and linguist of Oxford, observed on his book Hinduism and Buddhism - An Historical Sketch:
"Let me confess that I cannot share the confidence in the superiority of Europeans and their ways which is prevalent in the West." " European civilization is not satisfying and Asia can still offer something more attractive to many who are far from Asiatic in spirit."
"Indian religions have more spirituality and a greater sense of the Infinite than our western creeds and more liberality.

They are not merely tolerant but often hold that different classes of mankind have their own rules of life and suitable beliefs and that he who follows such partial truths does no wrong to the greater and all-inclusive truths on which his circumstances do not permit him to fix his attention....and are more penetrated with the idea that civilization means a gentle and enlightened temper - an idea sadly forgotten in these days of war. "
"I do not think that Christianity will ever make much progress in Asia, for what is commonly known by that name is not the teaching of Christ but a rearrangement of it made in Europe and like most European institutions practical rather than thoughtful. And as for the teaching of Christ himself, the Indian finds it excellent but not ample or satisfying. There is little in it which cannot be found in some of the many scriptures of Hinduism..." 

"The claim of India to the attention of the world is that she, more than any other nation since history began, has devoted herself to contemplating the ultimate mysteries of existence and, in my eyes, the fact that Indian thought diverges widely from our own popular thought is a positive merit."
(source: Hinduism and Buddhism - An Historical Sketch - 3 volume set p. xcviii - xcix).
"Hinduism has not been made, but has grown. It is a jungle, not a building. It is a living example of a great national paganism such as might have existed in Europe if Christianity had not become the state religion of the Roman Empire, if there had remained an incongruous jumble of old local superstitions, Greek philosophy, and oriental cults such as the worship of Sarapis or Mitras."
(source: Hinduism - By A. C. Bouquet p. 13).
Compared to Islam and Christianity, Hinduism’s doctrines are extraordinarily fluid, and multiform. India deals in images and metaphors. Restless, subtle and argumentative as Hindu thought is, it is less prone than European theology to the vice of distorting transcendental ideas by too stringent definition. It adumbrates the indescribable by metaphors and figures. It is not afraid of inconsistencies which may illustrate different aspects of the infinite, but it rarely tries to cramp the divine within the limits of a logical phrase. 
The Hindu has an extraordinary power of combining dogma and free thought, uniformity, and variety. Utmost latitude of interpretation is allowed. In all ages Hindus have been passionately devoted to speculation. It is also to point out that from the Upanishads down to the writings of Tagore in the present day literature from time to time enunciates the idea that the whole universe is the manifestation of some exuberant force giving expression to itself in joyous movement. Thus the Taittiriya Upanishad (III. 6) says:

“Bliss is Brahman, for from bliss all these being are born, by bliss when born they live, into bliss they enter at their death.”

(source: Hinduism and Buddhism: An Historical Sketch Volume I  p. 38-78).
115. Sri Swami Sivananda Saraswati Maharaj (1887-1963) the founder of The Divine Life Society, with headquarters in Rishikesh, Himalayas, began as a physician before he turned sannyasi.  
Swami  Sivananda said:
" Hinduism stands unrivaled in the depth and grandeur of its philosophy. Its ethical teachings are lofty, unique and sublime. It is highly flexible and adapted to every human need. It is a perfect religion by itself. It is not in need of anything from any other religion. No other religion has produced so many great saints, great patriots, great warriors, great Pativratas (chaste women devoted to their husbands). 
"The more you know of the Hindu religion, the more you will honor and love it. The more you study it, the more it will enlighten you and satisfy your heart. " 

116Juan (Joan) Mascaro (1897 - 1987) taught at Oxford University, Parameshvara College at Jaffna, the University of Barcelona, and Cambridge University. 
He was the author of The Bhagvad Gita - translated By Juan Mascaro. Penguin Classics, 1962) and he paid a rich tribute to the glory of the Sanskrit literature:
"Sanskrit literature is a great literature. We have the great songs of the Vedas, the splendor of the Upanishads, the glory of the Upanishads, the glory of the Bhagavad-Gita, the vastness (100,000 verses) of the Mahabharata, the tenderness and the heroism found in the Ramayana, the wisdom of the fables and stories of India, the scientific philosophy of Sankhya, the psychological philosophy of yoga, the poetical philosophy of Vedanta, the Laws of Manu, the grammar of Panini and other scientific writings, the lyrical poetry, and dramas of Kalidasa. Sanskrit literature, on the whole, is a romantic literature interwoven with idealism and practical wisdom, and with a passionate longing for spiritual vision." 
"Amongst the sacred books of the past, the Upanishads can be called the truth the Himalayas of the soul. Their passionate wanderings of discovery to find that sun of the spirit in us, from whom we have the light of our consciousness and the fire of our life; the greatness of their questions, and the sublime simplicity of their answers; their radiance of joy..."
(source: The Upanishads - By Juan Mascaro).

"In the Bhagavad Gita Arjuna becomes the soul of man and Krishna the charioteer of the soul." 
"The greatness of the Bhagavad Gita is the greatness of the universe, but even as the wonder of the stars in heaven only reveals itself in the silence of the night, the wonder of this poem only reveals itself in the silence of the soul."
"the essence of the Bhagavad Gita is the vision of God in all things and of all things in God."
"The Gita is like a little shrine in a vast temple, a temple that is both a theatre and a fair of this world."
Self harmony, or self-control, is again and again praised in the Bhagavad Gita - All perfection in action is a form of self-control, and this sense of perfection is the essence of the Karma yoga of the Gita. The artist must have self-control in the moment of creation, and all work well done requires self-control. But the Bhagavad Gita wants us to transform our whole life into an act of creation."
(source: The Bhagvad Gita - translated By Juan Mascaro).
Mascaró, a Spanish scholar and admirer of the Upanishads, said:
"If Beethoven could give us in music the spirit of the Bhagavad Gita, what a wonderful symphony we should hear."
(source: How Vedanta Came to the West - By Swami Tathagatananda -
117. Madame Alice Louis-Barthou writes:
 " I look upon the Occident (Europe) with abomination. It represents for me fog, grayness, chill, machinery, murderous science, factories with all the vices, the triumph of noise, of hustling, of ugliness...The Orient is calm, peace, beauty, color, mystery, charm, sunlight, joy, ease of life, and reverly:  I find the exact opposite of our hateful and grotesque civilization..... If I had my way, I should have a wall built between the Orient and the Occident to keep the latter from poisoning the former; I should go and live where you can see clearly and where there are no Europeans."
118Professor H. G. (Hugh George) Rawlinson (1880 - ) author of several books including India, a short cultural history, remarks that,

"almost all the theories, religious, philosophical, and mathematical, taught by the Pythagoreans were known in India in the sixth century B.C."

119. W. J. Grant in his book The Spirit of India says:
"India indeed has a preciousness which a materialistic age is in danger of missing. Some day the fragrance of her thought will win the hearts of men. This grim chase after our own tails which marks the present age cannot continue for ever. The future contains a new human urge towards the real beauty and holiness of life. When it comes India will be searched by loving eyes and defended by knightly hands."
"The religion of the Hindus is rich in legend and stupendous allegory. It is a religion of great dignity and beauty. Its wrestlings with reality are as courageous as any in the whole history of mankind..' Indian thought has generally been contemplative, it has seldom been enamored of the material side of life."
"In the realm of religious philosophy she has given to us the most searching  examination of the ethical law the world is ever likely to have. No Greek was more splendid in his scientific fidelity than the quiet company of Indian thinkers who made the Upanishads and traced the whole beauteous outline of the Eastern spirit."
"There are cities in India whose grace and charm are matched only by the sweetness of an immemorial religion. Nowhere else in the world have I been so exquisitely invaded by the mystic quality of life."
"She is grave and old and stupendous. Her accents are for the calm and gracious. Her temples are laden with symbolism....and internal beauties. It is true, that India is royal...India has been royal at heart from her very foundations of her memory." 
"Our sublimest delusion is that India is backward. This predicates, of course, that we are progressive. If backwardness and progress depend on the rate at which one can gobble up vanities perhaps India does not need our aid.....India's devotion to being good rather than being clever comes nearer the heart of a true civilization. Cleverness dies on the tongue like a social pleasantry, goodness echoes round the universe in an un extinguishable reality. We in the West are too busy to see that science without soul is like words without meaning."
"India's greatness is in her humility; her weakness is her strength. She is both wiser and more effective than the West, for she does not declare that reform is not a new shirt on Sunday morning but a clean heart at the Throne of Grace. Justice without spirit of justice is as much of an achievement as a river without its water."
(source: The Spirit of India -  By W. J. Grant London published by B. T. Batsford Ltd. 1933 preface and p. vi - 58).  

120. Dr. A. L. Basham, one of the leading authority of ancient Indian culture and author of The Wonder That Was India
"Our over-all impression is that no other part of the ancient world were the relations of man and man, and of man and the state, so fair and humane. In no other early civilization were slaves so few in number, and in no other ancient law book are their rights so well protected as in the Arthashastra....
In all her history of warfare, Hindu India has few tales to tell of cities put to the sword or of the massacre of noncombatants...To us the most striking feature of ancient Indian civilization is its humanity....Our second general impression of ancient India is that her people enjoyed life, passionately delighting both in the things of the senses and the things of the spirit...India was a cheerful land, whose people, each finding a niche in a complex and slowly evolving social system, reached a higher level of kindliness and gentleness in their mutual relations than any other nation of antiquity. For this, as well as for her great achievements in religion, literature, art, science and mathematics, one European student at least would record his admiration of her ancient culture."
(source: India: A World in Transition - By Beatrice Pitney Lamb p. 33).
"India was cheerful land, whose people, each finding a niche in a complex and slowly evolving social system, reached a higher level of kindliness and gentleness in their mutual relationships than any other nation of antiquity."
(source: The Wonder That Was India - By A L Basham   p. 8 - 9).
"The procession of the equinoxes was known, and calculated with some accuracy by medieval astronomers, as were the lengths of the year, the lunar month, and other astronomical constants. These calculations were reliable for most practical purposes, and in many cases more accurate than those of the Greco-Roman world. Eclipses were forecast with accuracy and their true cause understood." 
These were achieved without the help of a telescope. Accurate measurement was made possible by the decimal system of numerals, invented by the Indians. 
It is certain that the Vedic Indians knew something of astronomy and that it had a high utilitarian value for them as it did for all peoples of antiquity. The Vedic priests had to make careful calculations of times for their rituals and sacrifices, and also had to determine the time of sowing and harvest. Moreover, astronomical periods played an important role in Vedic thought for they were considered to be successive parts of the ever returning cosmic cycle.

The Rig Veda lists a number of stars and mentions twelve divisions of the sun's yearly path (rashis) and also 360 divisions of the circle. Thus, the year of 360 days is divided into twelve months. The sun's annual course was described as a wheel with twelve spokes, which correspond to the twelve signs of the zodiac.

The theory of the great cycles of the universe and the ages of the world is of older origin than either Greek or Babylonian speculations about the "great year," the period within which all the stars make a round number of complete revolutions. But there is remarkably close numerical concordance in these theories. The Indian concept of the great year (mahayuga) developed from the idea of a lunisolar period of five years, combined with the four ages of the world (yugas) which were thought to be of unequal perfection and duration, succeeding one another and lasting in the ration of 4:3:2:1.

The last, the Kaliyuga, was one-tenth of the mahayga or 432,000 years. This figure was calculated not only from rough estimates of planetary and stellar cycles, but also from the 10,800 stanzas of the Rig Veda, consisting of 432,000 syllables. The classical astronomers calculated the great period as one of 4,320,000 years, the basic element of which was a number of sidereal solar years, 1,080,000 a multiple of 10,800. According to Berossus, the Babylonian great year was a period of 432,000 years, comprising 120 "saroi" of 3,600 years apiece. 

The Rig Veda talks about the annual motion of the earth. The diurnal motion is described in the Yajur Veda. The Aiteriya Brahmana explains that "the sun neither sets nor rises, that when the earth, owing to the rotation on its axis is lighted up, it is called day" and so on.

(source: Haug's Aitreya Brahmana  - Volume II. p. 242).

121. W. Somerset Maugham (1874-1965) was born in the British Embassy in Paris and was educated in England and Germany. After medical school, a successful attempt at writing led him to widespread fame for his plays and novels. Author of several books including "Of Human Bondage" and " The Moon and Sixpence."

When Maugham  arrived in India in 1938, he was hoping to find some inspiration for a novel he planned to write incorporating Hindu philosophy. Arriving in Chennai, he met Ramana Maharshi. This meeting inspired him to write his classic " The Razor's Edge". He derived this title from a passage in the Katha-Upanishad -  (Kshurasya Dhara):
" Like the sharp edge of a razor, the sages say, is the path, Narrow it is, and difficult to tread." 
His book Razor's Edge reveals his clear grasp of Hindu philosophy. The main character of the book seeks in the end relief in India from the horrors of war and gains a sense of being at one with the Absolute, through the Indian philosophical system known as Vedanta.

(Two movies and more than six editions of the book have appeared since 1944, with sales in the millions of copies.)

(source: 1940 Vedantic Novel Still a Hit - Hinduism Today - July/August 2000 p 54-57).
The greatest English novelist Maugham, advises prospective writers to come to India for knowledge of the higher values of life.
(source:  The Vision of India - By Sisirkumar Mitra p. 209).
122. Marcus Leatherdale Montreal born photojournalist has had a long love affair with India. To him Hinduism and India are almost synonymous. What he likes about Hinduism is that its very emotional, colorful and joyful. Leatherdale notes:
The photojournalist Marcus Leatherdale has also had a long love affair with India. For many years he rented a house in Benares, spending half the year there on the bustling ghats, making friends with Brahmins and boatmen alike. He speaks some Hindi and calls himself an 'adha' Hindustani. He has shot images of maharanis and circus performers and ordinary Indians. His current focus is on the tribal folks who are an almost endangered species in India.
 "You'd have to be brain dead to live in India and not be affected by Hinduism. It's not like Christianity in America, where you feel it only on Sunday mornings … if you go to church at all. Hinduism is an on-going daily procedure. You live it, you breathe it." 
(source: Westerners who have succumbed to India' legendary charm - By Lavina Melwani -
 "Hinduism has a playful aspect which I've not experienced in any other religion. Its not so righteous or sober as is Christianity, nor is it puritanical. That's one of the reasons I enjoy India. I wake up in the morning, and I'm very content."
(source:  The timeless portraits of Marcus Leatherdale - By Lavina Melwani - Hinduism Today March 1977).
123. Roger-Pol Droit (    )  French philosopher, and Le Monde journalist, recently wrote in his book L'oubli de l'Inde. Une amnésie philosophique - "The Forgetfulness of India, that:
"The Greeks loved so much Indian philosophy that Demetrios Galianos had even translated the Bhagavad-Gita". There is absolutely not a shadow of a doubt that the Greeks knew all about Indian philosophy."
(source: Arise O'India - By Francois Gautier ISBN 81-241-0518-9 Har-Anand Publications 2000 p. 22).
124. Herman Melville (1819-1891) was the great American novelist, and author of Moby Dick.or The Whale. Melville’s references to Hindu myth and thought, however, peripheral to his works some have thought them to be, are so numerous that there can be no doubt about his extensive knowledge of Hinduism.
That Melville should give a fairly detailed description of the story of Vishnu in two places is itself an indication that he did not intend it to be read and forgotten. While trying to present the “true form of this whale,” he adverts to those “curious imaginary portraits of him” and describes the Hindu whale as the most ancient portrait available in the world:

“Now, by all odds, the most ancient extant portrait anyways purporting to the whale’s is to be found in the famous cavern pagoda of Elephanta, in India. …The Hindoo whale referred to, occurs in a separate department of the wall, depicting the incarnation of Vishnu in the form of leviathan, learnedly known as the Matse-Avatar.”
In addition to this reference to the portrait of the Hindu leviathan at Elephanta, Melville mentions the context in which Vishnu incarnates himself as a fish and relates him to the whaleman’s fraternity: 
“That wondrous oriental story is now to be rehearsed from the Sashras which gives us the dread Vishnoo, one of the three persons in the godhead of the Hindoos; gives us this divine Vishnoo himself for our Lord: - Vishnoo, who, by the first of his ten earthly incarnations, has forever set apart and sanctified the whale. When Brahma, or the God of Gods, saith the Shaster, resolved to recreate the world after one of its periodical dissolutions, he gave birth to Vishnoo, to preside over the work; but the Vedas, or mystical books, whose perusal would seem to have been indispensable to Vishnoo before beginning the creation, and which therefore must have contained something in the shape of practical hints to young architects, these Vedas were lying at the bottom of the waters; so Vishnu became incarnate in a whale, and sounding down in him to the utter-most depths, rescued the sacred volumes. Was not this Vishnoo a whaleman, then? Even as a man who rides a horse called a horseman?”
125. Jean-Sylvain Bailly (1736–93) 18th century French astronomer and politician. His works on astronomy and on the history of science (notably the Essai sur la théorie des satellites de Jupiter) were distinguished both for scientific interest and literary elegance and earned him membership in the French Academy, the Academy of Sciences, and the Academy of Inscriptions. 
Jean-Sylvain Bailly said: 

"The motion of the stars calculated by the Hindus before some 4500 years vary not even a single minute from the tables of Cassine and Meyer (used in the 19-th century). The Indian tables give the same annual variation of the moon as the discovered by Tycho Brahe - a variation unknown to the school of Alexandria and also to the Arabs who followed the calculations of the school... "The Hindu systems of astronomy are by far the oldest and that from which the Egyptians, Greek, Romans and - even the Jews derived from the Hindus their knowledge." 
(source: The Politics of History - By N. S. Rajaram Voice of India ISBN 81-85990-28-X. 1995 p. 47).
126. R. Gordon Milburn (  )  claims that: 
"Christianity in India needs the constituting what might be called an Ethnic Old Testament " in Christian Vedantism - Indian Interpreter 1913.
(source: Christian Vedantism - Indian Interpreter  - 1913). 
127. Rene Guenon (1886-1951) better known in Egypt as Sheikh 'Abd Al Wahid Yahya. But at the age of 21 he was already in Paris, when he came in contact with the Advaita Vedanta school. By the time he was nearly 30, his phenomenal intelligence had enabled him to see exactly what was wrong with the modern West.
He was one of the best-known European traditionalist authors on various civilizations, writes in his book Introduction to the Study of the Hindu Doctrines says:
" In India, we are in the presence of a tradition which is purely metaphysical in its essence.....A fact which stands out much more clearly here than in the Semitic tradition, chiefly owing to the absence of the religious point of view, the complete subordination of the various particular orders relatively to metaphysics, that is to say relatively to the realm of universal principles." 
(source: Introduction to the Study of the Hindu Doctrines  - by Rene Guenon  p. 90 - 91)

128.  Hans Torwesten (1944 - ) a native of Germany, studied art in Vienna and Indian philosophy, meditation, and yoga in England. A writer, lecturer, yoga teacher, and painter, he now lives in Austria. In his book Vedanta - Heart of Hinduism he writes:

"A fair number of leading physicists and biologists have found parallels between modern science and Hindu ideas. In America, many writers such as J. D. Salinger (An Adventure in Vedanta: J.D. Salinger's the Glass Family),  Henry Miller,  Aldous Huxley, Gerald Heard, and Christopher Isherwood, were in contact with the Vedanta.  Most of them came from elevated intellectual circles which rejected the dogmatism of the Christian Churches yet longed for spirituality and satisfactory answers to the fundamental questions of existence. In Vedanta, they found a wide-open, universal, and philosophically oriented religion where even the penetrating scientific mind could find something to its taste". 

"To the Hindu, shruti is what cannot be thought up by the limited human intellect, but is of God. It is what is forever valid, never changes, is not dependent on the limited capacity for understanding of any one historical person. The Hindu for this reason is proud not to need a historical founder. The founder and foundation of the Vedas and the Upanishads is the Brahman itself, is what is indestructible and timeless."
"The Upanishads are indeed thoroughly suffused with the spirit of transcendence."
(source: Vedanta - Heart of Hinduism - by Hans Torwesten p. 23 29 and 214)

129. Mark Tully (?) former BBC correspondent in India,  author of several books, including No Full Stops in India and The Heart of India, said:
But I do profoundly believe that India needs to be able to say with pride, "Yes, our civilization has a Hindu base to it." 

"The genius of Hinduism, and the very reason of its survival for so long, was that it does not stand up and fight."

It changes and adapts and modernizes and its absorbs and that is the scientific and proper way of going about it as well."

" Why is Christianity in so much trouble at the moment? Because it is so difficult for it to adapt," says the celebrated television journalist. Saying that Hinduism would prove to be the religion of the next Millennium."

So you have the resources in Hinduism, you have the teachings, you have the history that shows you can do it. You can revive your religion in such a way that it does not become confrontational (which is a common practice) but does something unique by becoming adaptive and adapting itself to the needs of the time. India must be able to be proud of Hinduism.
"The Kumbh Mela could only take place in India. In no other country would millions and millions of pilgrims, driven just by faith that the sins of this life and previous lives would be washed away by bathing in the confluence of two rivers at an auspicious time, brave severe hardships, some walking barefooted, to get to bathe. Where else would you find hundreds of holy men willing to march naked in processions through the crowds of pilgrims, or one thousand Brahmins sitting around a hundred sacred fires offering a sacrifice for world peace?" At what gathering of one religion would you find such a variety of teaching, such an acceptance that there are many ways to God?"  

(source: and A Hindu cure for the "colonial hangover" - By Mark Tully -
Addressing the National Hindu Students Forum in Britain in August, 1997, he expressed the view that Indian civilization has a Hindu base to it and that Hindus should proclaim their identity with pride.
(source: Knighthood at last for the ‘Voice of India' - Tribune India 1/6/02).
"It was the promotion of the ancient Indian tradition of religious tolerance, a tolerance which owes so much to Hinduism’s own pluralism...This tradition provides a basis for Hindus and for Indians who believe in many of the many other religions of this country to live with self-respect, in peace, and proud of their national identity. This is very much an Indian tradition, a tradition which is very different too from the tradition of countries where Semitic religions like Christianity and Islam have dominated. It is the tradition which could meet the needs of so many other countries in the world"
(source: Opposites distract - By Mark Tully -
Mark Tully has spoken in defense of the caste system and denounced the spread of consumerism in the subcontinent. The BBC pushed him out because of his excessive identification with Indian culture.
(source: India Inscribed: European and British Writing on India 1600-1800 - By Kate Teltscher introduction page).
130. Betty Heimann late professor of Sanskrit and Indian philosophy at Ceylon University,

"It is an undeniable fact that no philosophy outside India makes such a varied and manifold use of [spiritual] instruction in order to visualize the supreme Truth. It is the very metaphysical bent of Hindu thought which makes room for practical educational training."

131. Dale M Riepe (1918 - ) was Professor Emeritus of Philosophy at The State University of New York at Buffalo and he says in his book The Philosophy of India and its impact on American Thought
"If the American empire meets with the fate of the British, if Americans cannot resolve their life-and-death struggle with the intelligent use of technology, if the alienation in American society cannot be alleviated, then a new attitude may gradually replace the 300 years reign of optimism. Such eventualities may lead to more philosophers turning to contemplation, meditation and increased poring over the Hindu and Buddhist scriptures."
"Western thinkers, through their study of Indian philosophies and religions have "discovered a new technical philosophy of undreamed-of complexity and ingenuity" and this contact has expanded the imagination, increased the number of categories, made possible new studies in the history of logic, revealed new sensations and has driven the mind back to its origin and out of its possibilities." 
(source: The Philosophy of India and its impact on American Thought - By Dale M Riepe  p. 275).

132. Clarence Edward Dutton  (1841-1912) a captain of ordinance in the U.S. army, geologist-poet and a Yale man, Dutton was deeply influenced by the philosophies of India. 
It was Dutton who likened the snow-covered peaks of the canyon walls to the Hindu gods, Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva. There is even a Hindu amphitheatre which Dutton likened to the "profusion and richness which suggests an Oriental character. 
It would certainly not be inaccurate to suggest that Dutton must have been drawn by the Himalayan symbolism of Vedic philosophy to have named the finest butte of the Kaibab division the Vishnu Temple and the grandest of all buttes as the Shiva Temple. For in Hindu philosophy Vishnu is attributed the aspects of preserving the world and to Shiva the aspect also of the destroyer.
On the 7,650-foot Shiva Temple he wrote:
"The Shiva Temple the grandest of all, and most majestic in aspect....All round it are side gorges sunk to a depth nearly as profound as that of the main channel...In such a stupendous scene of wreck, it seemed as if the fabled 'destroyer' might find an abode not wholly uncongenial." he observed. 
Dutton describes the magnificence of what he sees of the Eastern Cloisters and Shiva's Temple as follows:
"As we contemplate these objects we find it quite impossible to realize their magnitude. Not only are we deceived, but we are conscious that we are deceived, and yet we can not conquer the deception.....The eastern Cloister’s is nearer than the western, its distance being about a mile and a half. It seems incredible that it can be so much as one-third that distance. Its altitude is from 3500 to 4000 feet, but any attempt to estimate the altitude by means of usual impressions is felt at once to be hopeless. There is not stadium. Dimensions mean nothing to the senses, and all that we are conscious of in this respect is a troubled scene of immensity."
"Beyond the eastern Cloisters, five or six miles distant, rises a gigantic mass which we named ‘Shiva’s Temple ’.  It is the grandest of all the buttes, and the most majestic in aspect, though not the most ornate. Its mass is as great as the mountainous part of Mount Washington . That summit looks down 6,000 feet into the dark depths of the inner abyss, over a succession of ledges as impracticable as the face of Bunker Hill Monument . All around it are side gorges sunk to a depth nearly as profound as that of the main channel. It stands in the midst of a great throng of cloister-like buttes, with the same noble profiles and strong lineaments as those immediately before us, with a plixus of awful chasms between them. In such a stupendous scene of wreck it seemed as if the fabled ‘Destroyer’ might find an abode not wholly uncongenial."
He was particularly in awe of a 7,529-foot butte. 'It is a gigantic butte,' he wrote in 1860. 'So admirably designed and so exquisitely decorated that the sight of it must call forth an expression of wonder and delight from the most apathetic beholder. Such a magnificent nature-made spire needed a timeless name."
 He called it the Vishnu Temple. 
The Vishnu temple: t is a gigantic butte,' he wrote in 1860. 'So admirably designed and so exquisitely decorated that the sight of it must call forth an expression of wonder and delight from the most apathetic beholder. Such a magnificent nature-made spire needed a timeless name."

In describing the panorama from Point Sublime he writes:
"The finest butte of the chasm is situated near the upper end of the Kaibab division; but it is not visible from Point Sublime. It is more than 5,000 feet high, and has a surprising resemblance to an Oriental pagoda. We named it Vishnu’s Temple ."
Dutton went on to name other buttes with such names as Brahma Temple, (7,553 feet), Deva Temple (7,339).  "Vishnu Schist" is the oldest geological formation exposed at the Canyon's bottom. "Hindu Amphitheatre" is seen by hiking into the gorge. It reminded Dutton of a "profusion and richness which suggests an oriental character."
He records that the Hindoo Amphitheatre is eroded back from the river a distance of about ten miles.
Dutton seems to be familiar with the great carvings and sculptures of Ellora or Ellore, in India and so must be the intellectuals of his time for him to draw confident analogies in describing The Transept. . The details of their sculpture are very beautiful and thoroughly systematic, and every characteristic is sustained throughout their whole extent. The entire length of the chamber is seen perspective. Beyond its opening we see the grandeur of the central canyon with butte beyond butte, and the vast southern wall of the main chasm in the background fifteen miles away. To many spectators the dominant thought here might be that this stupendous work has been accomplished by some intelligence akin to the human rather than by the blind forces of nature. Everything is apparently planned and cut with as much definiteness of design as a rock-temple of Petraea or Ellore."

According to Professor Stephen J. Payne, professor of history at the Arizona State University and author of the book - How the Canyon Became Grand - there is " no explicit explanation for naming the peaks after Hindu gods, only implicit." He likens the naming the peaks to the historical fact of the time. "When there was a growing awareness and respect in the West, particularly Europe, towards Indian philosophies, not economies of the past."

(source: A Journey of Discovery and  Nature's "Hindu Temples" On View at Grand Canyon - Hinduism Today). and 


Om Tat Sat

( My humble Pranam, Honour  and also gratefulness  to   Ms. Sushma Londhe ji for her  noble, magnanimous and eminent works on the   peerless  Wisdom of our Sacred Scriptures)
(My humble salutations to   , H H Swamyjis, Hindu Wisdom, great Universal Philosophers, Historians, Professors and Devotees   for the discovering  collection)

( The Blog  is reverently for all the seekers of truth and lovers of wisdom and also purely  a non-commercial)


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